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Cover image for git commit -m "_____"

git commit -m "_____"

Michael Lee 🍕 on August 13, 2019

A: 🎉 B: test C: initial commit Or suggest your own answer.
cathodion profile image
Dustin King

git commit -m "I think I figured it out"

git commit -m "I didn't figured it out"

stargator profile image

I would have also accepted:

git commit -m "This time I figured it out"

leojpod profile image
# From
git config --global alias.yolo '!git add -A && git commit -m "$(curl --silent --fail"'
michael profile image
Michael Lee 🍕

What does this do?

leojpod profile image

commit whatever changes you have and use one of the random messages from

stargator profile image

git commit -m "Genesis 1:1"

git commit -m "Let there be Light"

git commit -m "Let there be _____" (insert your own)

git commit -m "This is going to take more than 6 days"

nicolasdanelon profile image
Nicolás Danelón

love you already

praneetnadkar profile image
Praneet Nadkar

git commit -m "Fixed it"

git commit -m "Fixed it for real this time"

git commit -m "Damn. Fixed"

git commit -m "Fix it for real"

git commit -m "Finally"

git commit -m "Build fails"

git commit -m "F**kin regex!"

michael profile image
Michael Lee 🍕


bootcode profile image
Robin Palotai • Edited

git commit -t emptyfile

Then I write a proper commit message in the editor. Mostly.

Put a commit msg template in your repo instead emptyfile if you like that better. Add a bash alias.

Edit: ah, I missed the joke?

michael profile image
Michael Lee 🍕

Oh wow I did not know that the -t option even existed. Do you know of any resources @bootcode that is similar to what your template workflow looks like?

bootcode profile image
Robin Palotai

Happy it helps. No specific commenting workflow. Interestingly there are hits
out there about git comments, but they mostly cover formatting. That's nice
(and do read definitely), but the focus should be on content first, formatting
second. I can live with the title ending in a dot, sorry :)

What is more interesting is the content of the message. If we are limited to a single line (as with -m), too much interesting detail gets lost.

The commit message should give context for the unfamiliar reader. Imagine someone searching for the cause of a bug, going through all changes made in a given interval. A good commit message can reveal if there's something relevant in there or not.

The message should include:

  • First line with brief description of change.
  • Purpose of the change.
  • Broader context of the change.
  • Follow-up work to expect.
  • How the reviewer can try the change
    • command for batch stuff
    • demo url or screenshot for UI changes
  • How the change was tested (if not apparent from CI)

For example:

Add initial support for undotted section numbers.

This change lets us roll out support for FooBarQuux documents in English.
Normally section numbers in FooBar documents are followed by dots. But in
FooBarQuux, there's a special convention to make section numbers undotted.

Note: the undotted numbers increase monotonically and don't get reset by
intertwining higher-level headings. While not forbidden, Table Of Contents
consumers might not expect this situation. So rollout should be gradual to
catch any errors.

This is part of the broader effort tracked in bug/55443 about migrating away
from plain FooBar documents.

Follow-up change will add support for three more languages, also increase test
coverage. Once German is supported, bug/12345 will be unblocked.

I also added a tool for quick experimentation on the test corpus. Example

    bazel build //foo/bar:quux
    ./bazel-bin/foo/bar/quux --input_dir=/bog --language=en --summary_only

TESTED=checked corpus with tool, ran integration tests

The commit message also acts as a test of the rationale. It happened to me multiple times that I took 2 hours writing a change, then while phrasing the rationale part of the commit message it dawned on me Ouch. Actually this is not the right approach for that purpose.

As for a general git usage model, I use the nvie model with content.

If you would like to hear more of such info, don't forget to follow me here directly, or subscribe to updates about my book Programming Without Anxiety.

abhishekcghosh profile image
Abhishek Ghosh

git commit -m "wip"

sarunint profile image
Sarun Intaralawan

chore: initial commit

Conventional Commits

hozefaj profile image

Have whatever messages you want. While merging the PR, you can squash the commits and actually even change the message itself in github.

amc2010 profile image

Initial commit, because sometimes I run out of opening lines

ahmet profile image
Ahmet Çadırcı

All messages from this project: "revised"


trjones1 profile image
Tramel Jones

(68 files added)

Looks at project - 1 Folder....

What Have I done

tchaflich profile image
Thomas C. Haflich

git commit -m "actually fixed everything"

of course, this is from when you had a commit earlier where you "fixed everything"

zymawy profile image

git commit -m "Added Feature"

audioboxer217 profile image
Scott Eppler

I like:

git commit -m 'Make it work

for now.'

On a serious note, I always start each new repo with

git commit --allow-empty -m 'root commit'

before I do anything at all.

christiandrotor profile image
Noel Drotor

Git commit -m "to nothing"

I have commitment issues lol

n1amr profile image
Amr Alaa

git commit -m "$(date -Isec)"

michael profile image
Michael Lee 🍕

And, what does this do?

n1amr profile image
Amr Alaa

Sets the commit message to the current date

jameswagstaff1985 profile image
James Wagstaff

Git commit -m "Bug fix"
Or the infamous
Git commit -m "what does it matter, everything is being pushed to master"

victoryarema profile image
Victor Yarema

git commit -m 0

pavelloz profile image
Paweł Kowalski

d) fix

dansilcox profile image
Dan Silcox

git commit -m "Fix it properly this time... I hope :)"
git commit -m "."
git commit -m "AARGHHHHH COME ONNNNN!!!!1111"
... then the commits stop because it finally worked! :)

michael profile image
Michael Lee 🍕

Lol too real.

christopherlai profile image
Christopher Lai

When I used to do Ruby, D: fix rubocop

fennecdjay profile image
Jérémie Astor

Glad to see I'm not the only one 😄

peterwitham profile image
Peter Witham

git commit -m "See previous commit"

jennrmillerdev profile image
Jen Miller

git commit -m "ajdflasjdflasdlfk"

njericooper profile image
Njeri Cooper

git commit -m”I ripped my hair out for three days over a missing semicolon”

michael profile image
Michael Lee 🍕

😩 Too real. Or "I ripped my hair out because I was reloading prod instead of local"