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[Comment from a deleted post]
michaelcurrin profile image
Michael Currin

I like how you have docs setup with optional flags and examples.

Black is a formatter for code style and not quite a linter I don't think, so maybe it doesn't make sense in your project called pylinter. It depends how you define linting.
Flake8 does both linting for errors and formatting around PEP8 so it is in both areas.

Or maybe you want to go all in one. Mypy, flake8, isort, black.

In short term, can I suggest adding a link to the existing black action.
Maybe you don't have to reinvent it in your project and just keep the external reference.

The black repo itself actually recommends an action in their docs

Instead of a separate repo, they actually keep their action code in the action subfolder of the same repo.