
Mingming Ma
Mingming Ma

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Refactoring and Git Rebase Experience

In this blog, I will share my experience about refactoring codes and git rebase process. Let's start!


Refactoring is a crucial aspect of software development, it can improve the maintainability, readability, and overall quality of our code. Usually we have the following approaches:

  • Eliminate the global variables.
  • Choose functions to compute values rather than storing them in variables.
  • Split the code into smaller parts
  • Enhance variable naming for clarity and readability.
  • Reduce redundancy by implementing shared functions or classes.

How I did in my project txt2html

I've identified several areas where refactoring is needed: I had a global variable related to my language attribute setting, logic lines were repeated for obtaining input file paths that only differed in extensions, and all functions were located in a single file. For now, I have removed the global variable, consolidated repeated lines, and improved variable naming for better readability. I plan to split the functions later.

I'd like to remind you that React has remained at version 18.2 for over one year. I assume they are busy with refactoring for the upcoming release. :)

Git Rebase in Refactoring

First, let's have a new branch for refactoring:

# Create a new topic branch off of main
git checkout -b refactoring main
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Then we do the changes and commit each changing. After we decide finish the refactoring, we need to squash all commits into one commit, here comes the git rebase:

git rebase main -i
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This command gives us all commits as follows:

pick <Commit Hash> <Oldest Commit Message> 
pick <Commit Hash> <Older Commit Message> 
pick <Commit Hash> <lasted Commit Message> 

# Rebase ...
# Commands:
# p, pick <commit> = use commit
# r, reword <commit> = use commit, but edit the commit message
# e, edit <commit> = use commit, but stop for amending
# s, squash <commit> = use commit, but meld into previous commit
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So we need to pick the oldest commits and squash all the other commits to that one, changes the above to:

pick <Commit Hash> <Oldest Commit Message> 
squash <Commit Hash> <Older Commit Message> 
squash <Commit Hash> <lasted Commit Message> 

# Rebase ...
# Commands:
# p, pick <commit> = use commit
# r, reword <commit> = use commit, but edit the commit message
# e, edit <commit> = use commit, but stop for amending
# s, squash <commit> = use commit, but meld into previous commit
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Then we save this and exit, git will do the left things for us.

We then need to use git commit --amend to modify the commit messages after the rebase step or git --amend --no-edit keep all commit messages. Last step is merge to main:

git checkout main
git merge refactoring
git push origin main
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That's it! Hope it helps!

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