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Mir Fayek Hossain
Mir Fayek Hossain

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How to Display a PDF Using an Iframe in Any Web Development Project

When building a portfolio, one essential element is showcasing your resume in a professional and accessible manner. As a Next.js developer, I embarked on a search for the ideal npm package to seamlessly display my CV PDF within my portfolio. After an extensive exploration and countless hours of research, I discovered a reliable solution that leverages the power of the iframe element. In this article, I will guide you through the process of effectively utilizing an iframe to exhibit a PDF document with various options, including downloading. Whether you are working on a Next.js project or any other web development endeavor, this technique will empower you to enhance your portfolio presentation.

Before proceeding, it is recommended to have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and familiarity with a CSS framework such as Tailwind CSS. Additionally, ensure that you have a PDF file ready to be displayed within your portfolio.

Step 1: Project Setup
To begin, create a new Next.js project or open your existing one. Ensure that you have all the necessary files and dependencies in place to facilitate a seamless integration. For the sake of simplicity, we will assume you have a basic HTML file, a CSS file utilizing Tailwind CSS, and a JavaScript file.

Step 2: Including the PDF File
Next, copy the PDF file, such as your resume, into a designated folder within your project directory. Organizing PDF files within a specific folder will aid in maintaining a structured project environment. In this example, let's assume the PDF file is named "resume.pdf" and resides in the "pdfs" folder.

Step 3: HTML Markup
Within your HTML file, incorporate an iframe element at the desired location where you want the PDF to be displayed. Assign the src attribute of the iframe to the URL of the PDF file using the relative path. Consider the following code snippet:

<div class="pdf-container">
<iframe src="pdfs/resume.pdf" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%"></iframe>

Step 4: Styling with Tailwind CSS
To ensure an aesthetically pleasing PDF display, apply CSS styles using Tailwind CSS. In this example, we will center the PDF container and assign it a fixed height. Add the following classes to your CSS file:
.pdf-container {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
height: 600px; /* Adjust the height as per your requirements */

Step 5: Testing and Customization
Save your changes and open the HTML file in a web browser. You should now witness the PDF being displayed within the iframe, elegantly centered on the page. Feel free to fine-tune the iframe's dimensions and customize the container's styling to align harmoniously with your project's overall aesthetics.

In this article, we explored a professional and effective approach to integrating PDFs within a portfolio using an iframe element. By following the steps outlined here, you can seamlessly incorporate your CV or any PDF document into your Next.js project or any other web development endeavor. This technique not only ensures the accessibility and usability of your portfolio but also provides you with the flexibility to enhance the overall user experience.

While utilizing iframes to display PDFs is just one of many available solutions, it is crucial to choose an approach that best aligns with your project's specific requirements. Remember to maintain a balance between functionality, performance, and user-friendliness when implementing PDF display techniques. Elevate your portfolio presentation and captivate potential employers or clients with an impeccably showcased resume or any PDF document.

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