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To Optimize: Github

Github, as an online platform built around the open source tool "Git," was not just utilized for coding related projects. One of the key features of Github is it serves as a repository for binary file platforms such as Word, Excel, and Powerpoint. Thus, Github can be a venue for tutorials and lessons for which a compilation of materials can be stored. Moreover, one may want to use markdown text format because Github cannot merge changes for the said binary files. Even the government had been storing data and laws to Github in markdown format. Data formats such as csv, json, xml, and text format can be hosted as well. Another main function of Github is tracking differences in lines of text files which are not only utilized for coding but also for writing books and music compositions. Its collaborative feature and revision history make it appropriate as writing platform.

"Creative Uses for Github" Youtube, uploaded by Joe James, 16 July 2018,

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