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Michael Brackett
Michael Brackett

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This is the first time that I have really gotten a feel for working with someone else through Github. I do have prior experience with a Co-op placement but we mostly did everything through Microsoft Azure. This was surprisingly a very fun experience talking to my teammate and submitting pull requests for him to look at. It actually inspired me to go and look for some random repo that I could help which I actually did! Repo Even though it was just a fix, it was my first actual PR to someone that I didn't know and it also got accepted. Super excited for the rest of the semester!

How did you go about finding someone to work with?
I saw someone was messaging on Slack saying that need a partner and at the time so did I so I reached out to help him.

What was it like testing and reviewing someone else's code? Did you run into any problems? Did anything surprise you?
My partner documented his program fairly well and it was very easy for me to get started with him program. I was surprised that my partner chose to use Bash but his code was very efficient and ran fast. It was a fun experience looking over someones code and creating issues/pull requests

What was it like having someone test and review your code? Were you surprised by anything?
I was surprised by how much he was able to find to improve in my code obviously I know I'm not a genius programmer but I didn't realize how a second set of eyes could actually be such a great help.

What kind of issues came up in your the testing and review?
I don't think there was any issues on either of our sides for testing or review.

Provide links to issues you filed, and discuss what you found


Overall I found nothing particularly wrong with my partners code, but I mostly found small issues in the and the files that were in the repo.

In addition to these issues I also submitted these pull requests to two different class mates


Provide links to issues that were filed on your repo, and what they were about


One of the issues that were filed were for a small correction in my documentation for how to run the program.
The other two were actually improvements to the code that I could make, which is mentioning creating a virtual environment so the user doesn't have any issues with dependencies and it makes it easier to install them. This is actually what made me realize the straight of working with someone else, I never used Python before so I had no clue what a Python virtualenv was until he mentioned it then I researched it and found out how incredibly useful they can be

Were you able to fix all your issues? What was that like?
I have yet to fix 2 out of the 3 issues, I fixed the correction on how to run my program but I wanted to leave the virtualenv issues there. I want to fully understand what the virtualenv before I implement it into the documentation.

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