DEV Community

Michael Brackett
Michael Brackett

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This week for our lab we were tasked with creating an optional flag for a classmate in their link checker program. In addition to this we were also supposed to use git remotes and merge through git commands when someone finished the optional flag on our repo.

The issue that I created you can find here:
In addition you can find the branch here:

The code was pretty easy, all I did was parse the urls from the ignore.txt file, then compare the two arrays of urls. If a url was in both I removed it from the base URL array. Then ran head requests on the URL array after.

I actually liked the use of git remotes, that being said I haven't really been able to use them that much yet but it seems very useful being able to branch off someone else's fork would is a great thing if you are trying to keep your git repo clean.

One thing that I don't really like is when using the git merge command, it merges all commits into the master. I would much rather prefer if I could -SQUASH those commits into one. Which I found out after the fact was an actual command. The squash command which you can use with the rebase tool allows you to squash a bunch of commits down into one. Which I think makes the commit history look a little cleaner when merging from remote's. So in the future if I have do to something like this again, Ill probably test that feature out.

You can find the commits made to my repo here:
228fff4, 1e21f76, aa43a46

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