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Navigating Through the Testing Maze of PCGA

Hi All!

It's time for an update from the testing trenches of the PCGA project. The journey so far has been both challenging and rewarding, and I'm excited to share my progress with you.

Test Development

I've been busy writing a variety of tests. Starting with the simpler helper functions and gradually moving to the more complex core components, each test is like a puzzle piece fitting into the bigger picture of PCGA's reliability.

Challenges Galore

One of the biggest hurdles was testing the private methods. It pushed me to explore and learn more about Python's capabilities and limitations. Every challenge tackled has been a step forward in ensuring the robustness of PCGA.

A Sneak Peek

So far, the tests are doing their job – identifying minor bugs and providing insights for optimization. There's more to be done, but I'm thrilled with the progress.

Stay tuned for more updates, and thanks for following my journey in enhancing PCGA's reliability through testing!

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