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mohammed sharaki
mohammed sharaki

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first day- while I trying to learn data science.

this article part from my journey to learn data science, I hope gain knowledge by end this journey. i wish get job, too
I don't have any idea about what data science except is that it's a programming field.

let me write down what I've gotten today, Today I've learned about what is data science, along with, the difference between a data scientist, data engineer, data analyst and machine learning scientist.

I used to think these several work job titles are the same and there are no differences in real life, but you can give these titles another try.

Data Engineer Job

  1. Information architects
  2. Build data pipelines and storage solutions
  3. Maintain data access

Data engineering tools

  1. SQL :To store and organize data
  2. Java, Scala, or Python :Programming languages to process data
  3. Shell Command line :to automate and run tasks
  4. Cloud computing :AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform

Data analyst Job

  1. Perform simpler analyses that describe data
  2. Create reports and dashboards to summarize data Clean data for analysis

Data analyst tools

  1. SQL :Retrieve and aggregate data
  2. Spreadsheets (Excel or Google Sheets) :Simple analysis
  3. BI tools (Tableau, Power BI, Looker) :Dashboards and visualizations
  4. May have: Python or R :Clean and analyze data

Data scientist Job

  1. Versed in statistical methods
  2. Run experiments and analyses for insights
  3. Traditional machine learning

Data scientist tools

:Retrieve and aggregate data
Python and/or R
:Data science libraries, e.g., pandas(Python) and tidyverse(R)

this image below from the data camp (platform that I've learned with)
Image description

this article the 1st of my journey to learn data science beside to help other people by share my journey, until now I've didn't face any problem or issues. but one day we will get it. this my journey to become software engineer or scientist (I've not chosen, yet)

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