DEV Community

Mohamed Elbishbeashy
Mohamed Elbishbeashy

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AWS Glue Configurable Test Data Generator

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you need to test a new cloud solution or a new feature, but you lack sufficient data, or you cannot use production data for privacy or security reasons? In such cases, test data generation comes in handy. This concept allows you to create controlled testing environments and generate test data that covers a wide range of scenarios.

I have created an open source for a configurable Test Data Generator based on Pyspark and I am deploying it on AWS as an AWS glue service using AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)

Feel free to check the code on the following Github repository and definitely you are more than welcome to contribute to it.

Github repository: AWS Glue Configurable Test Data Generator

For a complete documentation, please check the following Wiki:
AWS Glue Configurable Test Data Generator documentation

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