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LeetBuddies: Follow friends on Leetcode

Hey, hey! What's up, fellow coding enthusiasts? It's your pal Mohit here, just a regular dude who's diving headfirst into the world of coding, algorithms, and data structures.

I am a fullstack developer but I do not do many algorithm questions which are asked in interviews. So, I decided to try my hands on LeetCode.

DSA Book meme, best book to cry

Let me tell you about a little bump I encountered on my coding journey recently, and I thought it'd be great to share it with all of you.

You know what's been a game-changer for me as a beginner? Having a solid group of friends to learn and grow alongside. They're like my trusty study buddies, always there to keep me motivated and inspired.

But here's the catch: Our beloved coding platform LeetCode, doesn't offer a tiny feature to track my friends' progress. Bummer, right? I mean, imagine the extra boost of encouragement I could get from seeing how my buddies are doing and celebrating their victories together.

And that's where the lightbulb moment struck!

light bulb moment gif

My developer mind decided to solve this problem! Thus, the brainchild of LeetBuddies was born—an awesome Chrome Extension that makes tracking your friends on LeetCode an absolute breeze.

Imagine You head over to the Chrome Web Store, grab your copy of LeetBuddies, and seamlessly install it in your browser voila! You've unlocked the doors to your very own LeetCode community. Now, you can effortlessly keep tabs on your friends' coding activity, check out their progress through vibrant heatmaps, stay in the loop with their contest ratings, and even witness their growth over time through nifty graphs. How cool is that?

It has features like :

  • Have Hovercard that has multiple extensions to show Heatmaps, Activity, and Contest Rating Graphs.

  • Keep track of no. of easy, medium, and hard problems your friends solved so far.

  • You can even customize the theme of your hovercard :)

  • Leaderboard style layout ⚡

  • Most Importantly it have Dark Theme - Like our lives :|

    Dark man laughing meme

Oh, did I mention the icing on the cake? LeetBuddies is open-source, meaning you can jump right into the mix on GitHub and contribute your coding wizardry to make it even more awesome. Talk about community power, right?

Whether you're a coding newbie taking your first steps or a seasoned pro with a black belt in programming, LeetBuddies will keep you connected with your friends and inject a thrilling dose of excitement into your coding journey.

It's a tool crafted by a coder, for coders just like us.

So, without any further ado, head over to the Chrome Web Store and snag yourself a copy of LeetBuddies. Don't forget to share the love with your buddies too!

Haven't you sold yet to download this extension? Alright then, allow me to present you with a few screenshots:

Homepage Screenshot of leaderboard of users/friends

Contest Graph Stats Screenshot of selected friend

Heatmap stats screenshot of selected friend

Just another screenshot

Oh, and hey, if you've got some brilliant ideas or suggestions for new features, I'm all ears! Shoot them my way, and I'll be here, ready and eager to listen, making LeetBuddies an even more epic experience for all of you. Happy coding, my friends! May your LeetCode adventures be filled with excitement and triumphs!

Chrome Web Store link:

Do Give the 5 ⭐ rating, it helps.

Github Repo link :, Feel free to raise PRs, Do give it a star ⭐

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