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Best VS Code Extensions to Boost Your Productivity 🚀

Mohamed Ibrahim on February 09, 2025

Visual Studio Code offers a robust ecosystem of extensions that can significantly boost your productivity. Here are 20 must-have VS Code extensions...
himanshu_code profile image
Himanshu Sorathiya • Edited

Literally why do this oldies still there like bracket pair colorizaer, auto rename tag, path intellisense, and setting sync,
Vscode already provides this
For a moment I can understand why people use bracket pair colorizer, path intellisense, auto rename, auto closing tag
But setting sync, can't these people ever open their extention tab, vscode clearly mentions this from like past 2 years that it's deprecated and to use vscode builtin setting sync you just need to sign in to vscode and it's way way better than that extention

Nowadays whenever I see that top extentions to blah blah blah, most time I see these old extention, looks like these guys can't have time so they just copy paste with some tweaks

moibra profile image
Mohamed Ibrahim

You are right

himanshu_code profile image
Himanshu Sorathiya

No hate towards you brother, but it's just what I really wanna say, new technology came, new extentions came which are really productivity boosting but yet 9 out of 10 times I see these old lists articles
Once again sorry if you feel bad by my those harsh words

You're doing great, keep going, and to mention this had some really good extentions too like for apis, docker, tailwinds intellisense

Thread Thread
moibra profile image
Mohamed Ibrahim • Edited

Hey, no worries at all! I really appreciate your honesty and feedback.

You're absolutely right some extensions have become redundant with VS Code's built-in features, and it's important to keep up with newer tools that actually improve productivity. I'll definitely keep this in mind for future articles.

But I always prefer articles that are for beginners or people who are just starting out in the world of programming, and certainly there are millions of them on this site, so I publish simple and small things, and in the future there will be other new extensions to this list, I usually update my articles

Glad you found some of the recommendations useful, and thanks again for taking the time to share your thoughts!

motss profile image
Rong Sen Ng

Prettier -> Biome, faster alternative for linting and formatting.

moibra profile image
Mohamed Ibrahim

I will try it

vivekanand_tulaskar_96a40 profile image
Vivekanand Tulaskar

Thanks ! Good information

moibra profile image
Mohamed Ibrahim

You are welcome ❤️

evgen_mykhailenko profile image
Evgen Mykhailenko

Let me add HTTL here, maybe someone will find it useful too

moibra profile image
Mohamed Ibrahim

Oh! Thanks .. seems good! I will try it.

evgen_mykhailenko profile image
Evgen Mykhailenko

Thanks! 😊 I'm pushing this alone and would love to hear any feedback or help.

drstrangelug profile image
Paul Loveridge

Wasn't Bracket Pair Colorizer folded into the core VSCode install a few years ago?

moibra profile image
Mohamed Ibrahim

Yes, that's correct. Since VS Code version 1.60, native bracket pair colorization has been integrated into the core editor. You can enable it by setting "editor.bracketPairColorization.enabled": true in your settings. While the Bracket Pair Colorizer extension is still available, many developers now rely on the built-in feature, which offers similar functionality with better integration and performance.

andrewv profile image

I love Prettier. Makes me want to keep coding so I can see the nice text

moibra profile image
Mohamed Ibrahim

Yeah me too 💞

shawnroller profile image
Shawn Roller

In case anyone is inspired to create a new extension after reading this, but is wondering "why doesn't MS support paid extensions??"

I don't know.. But I wanted paid support in my extensions so I created code-checkout.

Also, Color Highlight extension is a nice little helper for visualizing colors in your code.

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