Dijkstra’s algorithm is a classic algorithm used in graph theory to find the shortest path between two nodes in a graph. In this article, we will explore how to implement Dijkstra’s algorithm using ApacheAge, a graph database built on top of Apache Arrow. ApacheAge provides a simple and efficient way to store and analyze large graphs.
Before diving into the implementation, make sure that you have ApacheAge installed in your system. You can install it using pip command as follows:
pip install apache-age
Once the installation is complete, we can proceed with implementing Dijkstra’s algorithm.
First, we need to create a graph in ApacheAge. Let’s create a graph with the following nodes and edges:
Nodes: A, B, C, D, E, F
Edges: (A,B,5), (A,C,3), (B,D,2), (C,D,1), (C,E,6), (D,E,4), (D,F,2), (E,F,1)
We can create the graph in ApacheAge as follows:
from age import Graph, Vertex, Edge
graph = Graph()
# add vertices
# add edges
graph.add_edge(Edge('A', 'B', 5))
graph.add_edge(Edge('A', 'C', 3))
graph.add_edge(Edge('B', 'D', 2))
graph.add_edge(Edge('C', 'D', 1))
graph.add_edge(Edge('C', 'E', 6))
graph.add_edge(Edge('D', 'E', 4))
graph.add_edge(Edge('D', 'F', 2))
graph.add_edge(Edge('E', 'F', 1))
Next, we can implement Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the shortest path between two nodes. Here is the implementation:
import heapq
def dijkstra(graph, start, end):
# initialize distance to all vertices as infinite
distance = {vertex: float('inf') for vertex in graph.vertices}
# set distance to start vertex as 0
distance[start] = 0
# create a heap to store vertices with their distances
heap = [(0, start)]
# initialize visited set
visited = set()
while heap:
# pop the vertex with the smallest distance
(dist, current_vertex) = heapq.heappop(heap)
# mark the vertex as visited
# if we have reached the end vertex, return the distance
if current_vertex == end:
return distance[end]
# iterate through the neighbors of the current vertex
for neighbor in graph.neighbors(current_vertex):
# calculate the new distance to the neighbor through the current vertex
new_distance = distance[current_vertex] + graph.edge_weight(current_vertex, neighbor)
# if the new distance is smaller than the current distance, update it
if new_distance < distance[neighbor]:
distance[neighbor] = new_distance
# add the neighbor to the heap with its distance
heapq.heappush(heap, (new_distance, neighbor))
# if the end vertex is not reachable, return None
return None
Let's test the Dijkstra's algorithm on our graph.
print(dijkstra(graph, 'A', 'F'))
The output should be 8, which is the shortest distance from node A to node
Top comments (3)
That's pretty neat! Do I need to have a postgres instance running for this to work?
Can you share knowledeg About ehsaas rashan
Its super amazing graph processing system via Apache Age. Good work. regards: 8171