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Shrey Gupta for MojoAuth

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Top 15 Password Alternatives with Pros and Cons

The increasing amount of data breaches and cyber-attack success against password-based authentication is the biggest reason to look for password alternatives. Also, the pain of considering passwords’ do’s and don’ts is so much so that it impacts user experience that bothers both users and businesses. Using no password authentication is the best fit to combat both security and experience concerns.

Let’s first dig into the frustrating do’s and don’t of passwords:

Password Do’s and Don’ts for Users

  • Don’t create common passwords or use common patterns in passwords
  • Don’t reuse passwords across accounts
  • Don’t use short passwords
  • Don’t write down passwords but remember them
  • Do create complex and lengthy passwords
  • Do store passwords in a secure location like password managers

Password Do’s and Don’ts for Businesses

  • Don’t let users use common or dictionary passwords
  • Don’t let users reuse their previous account passwords
  • Do set policies for users to create complex passwords
  • Do offer multi-factor authentication (MFA) to enhance the security of password-based authentication
  • Do ensure user convenience and security
  • Do educate users not to reuse their passwords across accounts
  • Do invest in securing access against common password attacks like credential stuffing
  • Do invest in hashing and encrypting the password data
  • Do manage the cost of passwords

Despite all the efforts that businesses put into educating users not to use common or dictionary passwords, a large number of user segments still end up creating weak and common passwords.

Top 15 Passwords Alternatives with Pros and Cons

There are many good alternatives to passwords that not only resolve security concerns but provide a great user experience too. The following is the list of 15 top password alternative authentication:

  1. Fingerprint scan
  2. Facial recognition
  3. Retina scan
  4. Voice recognition
  5. Magic Link or Email Link
  6. Email OTP
  7. SMS OTP
  8. Two-factor authentication
  9. Security key authentication
  10. Social login
  11. Passkey authentication
  12. Single-sign On
  13. PIN authentication
  14. Pattern authentication
  15. Keystroke authentication

Read more about password alternatives in detail on our blog here.

Top comments (3)

machinesrental profile image

Pros and Cons missing, clickbait?

sshreeey profile image
Shrey Gupta • Edited

The detailed article is linked at the end of the post.

machinesrental profile image

then clickbait, google can search better than