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What companies are great places to work at for women in tech?!

Molly Struve (she/her) on March 08, 2019

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon to hear the horror stories these days from women who work in toxic workplaces. In light of International Women's ...
ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I think we, DEV, strive pretty hard to be a good place for women to work. We try our best. 🙂

I don't want to speculate too much on other companies, but Microsoft seems to really have evolved into a kind and inclusive company (but it's a gigantic corp, so there is probably no one Microsoft culture).

Some companies put inclusion front end center in loud ways from their founders. npm comes to mind.

Inclusion is a multivariate issue, so some folks might be a healthy environment for women, maybe not so much women of color etc.

In terms of resources in this regard, folks may want to check out

You can also read some of @lynnetye 's DEV posts on her profile. K/V will be a good resource for years to come.

lynnetye profile image
Lynne Tye


arswaw profile image

I heard AMD is that kind of place.

swampdragons profile image
Megan Marsh

Two years in I love being a dev at HashiCorp:

  • Flexible hours
  • Remote-friendly
  • Awesome woman VP of Engineering
  • My technical opinions are respected
  • No one gives me a hard time for having to take several sick days in a row to stay home with a flu-ridden toddler
  • We have a supportive group of women and other URMs who encourage each other.

And we're hiring, a lot:

ztaira14 profile image
Zachary Taira

Hey! There are Boston positions! Thank you very much for this info! :)

molly profile image
Molly Struve (she/her)

I will go first, Kenna Security is an incredible place for Women in Tech to work!

I have been there for almost 4 years now and not once have I ever felt that I was treated any differently because of my gender. For a while, I was the only women on the team, but it never mattered. I always got a fair shake and was always treated with the upmost respect.

As our tech team has grown, so has the number of women on it! Our tech organization is so large that it is broken into smaller, more focused teams. I am happy to say that every team has one or multiple women on it.

Don't settle if you are working at a place that doesn't treat you fairly! There are amazing places to work for Women in Tech. Find one and you will be amazed at how far you can go when you have the right support! 🤗

yechielk profile image
Yechiel Kalmenson

As a guy I don't know if I should be talking, but I currently find myself as the only white male engineer on a team that's 2/3 women at Pivotal.

molly profile image
Molly Struve (she/her)

I would think if you have recruited and kept that many women on your team you probably have a pretty good culture for them 😉

yechielk profile image
Yechiel Kalmenson

Well I'm one of the newest on the team, so I obviously can't take credit for any of it, for now I'm mostly just wondering why they tolerate me 🙃

chustedde profile image

I work for a small higher ed institution. At the last higher ed tech summit I attended, there was a breakout group for women to discuss why they chose to work in higher ed. A few observations from the group:

  • There were a lot more of us than we expected!
  • Many of us had previous bad experiences with tech jobs at tech companies
  • Most of our institutions used at least one open source solution; several encouraged contributing back
  • There are a wide array of tech jobs (including leadership positions) at many institutions - our group had a diverse array of titles and roles

So if your local college or university is hiring for tech-related staff positions, it's worth taking a look!

molly profile image
Molly Struve (she/her)

That's great advice! Thanks for sharing!

desi profile image

Bandzoogle is amazing! I've been here for about five years, we have a female CEO, and a great team. We hire rarely because it is such a great place to work, but occasionally post openings as we keep on growing.

dwenaus profile image
Deryk Wenaus

At Retreat Guru (a tech startup getting more people on transformative retreats) half the staff are women. We have just one female dev and seven male but the culture is very conscious, no bro culture at all.

So the overall culture is fantastic, but based in a small Canadian mountain town it’s hard to find devs. Any advice where to connect with female developers?

justinhaef profile image
Justin Haefner

Medtronic Women in IT Video Link

Medtronic International Women's Day

Medtronic is a awesome place to work in IT, I've been here for over 13 years. You're not only working on amazing technology but you're surrounded by brilliant people all working to alleviate pain, restore health and extend life.

One cool stat that I found in the International Women's Day article above, "Of nearly 16,000 new employees, 54% were women."

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill • Edited

There is a company that helps to match women with their ideal companies called

molly profile image
Molly Struve (she/her)

Oh wow, I had no idea that existed! Thanks for sharing, that looks like an awesome resource!

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

I've poked around it a bit—for sure work checking out.

There is even an option to anonymously rate your current employer so that it can benefit other people who are looking.

cseeman profile image

My current company, Flywheel, has by far the most women on the engineering team then anywhere else I have worked. Also more female managers, and senior leadership here then every other job I've had too.

helenanders26 profile image
Helen Anderson

Xero is a great place to work. One of our values is Human and that's expressed in many ways. Flexible working, 10 days paid wellbeing leave per year, a variety of discounts on under 5 childcare, extended parental leave, an in house gym and wellbeing initiatives, mentoring programmes for all Xero's and a commitment to making Xero a diverse and inclusive place to work.

42% female employees globally
43% females on the Xero board
34% female people managers globally
50% females on the Xero Leadership Team (our CEO and his direct reports)

molly profile image
Molly Struve (she/her)

none of the companies listed here seem to explicitly welcome juniors, I'm not sure how female-friendly any company could be given that.

At Kenna we have juniors on every team and they do amazing work! I think being female friendly and being able to take on juniors are two totally different things. Every company, regardless of size, can and should be inclusive to everyone. However, the ability to take on and properly mentor a junior requires a little more structure to be in place. Some small companies don't quite have the bandwidth for it which is why they don't list junior positions.