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Michel Sánchez Montells
Michel Sánchez Montells

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16 10

Postal address, reusability, polymorphism and concerns in Ruby on Rails

Postal address as a requirement.

Like many of you, I have several models in my current project, such as Customer, Trainer, Building, etc...

A client came recently with a new and very common requirement:

"I want to store and show the postal address of the customers."
Take into account.

  • One Customer has only one postal address.
  • One postal address can be shared by many customers.

I know. You know. He will come shortly with the second, new and very common requirement:

"I want to store and show the postal address of the trainers."

I googled how to solve this problem and after do not find out about this I decided to write it down for sharing with the readers my solution for this very common but not new problem.


My solution needs to cover the second requirement from the beginning. Let's start:

class CreatePostalAddresses < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
    def change
        create_table :postal_addresses do |t|
            t.string :street
            t.string :city
            t.string :country
            t.string :zipcode
            t.string :number
            t.string :country_ISO2

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The postal_addresses table is unavoidable and if we want to make this reusable and robust you can see no explicit relations are involved in this table.

Keeping in mind we want this postal address in a very clean way available for many other models. Then WE ARE NOT GOING TO do this:

class PostalAddress < ApplicationRecord
    has_many :customers

class Customer < ApplicationRecord
    belongs_to :postal_address
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This requires to include the postal_address_id in every customer. This solution will drive us to include another postal_address_id column in every table we would like in the future to support postal_address.

So are going to create the join model/table between postal_address and whatever model, using the polymorphic relations provided by ActiveRecord:

class Collocation < ApplicationRecord
    belongs_to :collocable, polymorphic: true
    belongs_to :postal_address
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The corresponding migration looks like:

class CreateCollocations < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
    def change
        create_table :collocations do |t|
          t.references :collocable, polymorphic: true, index: true
          t.references :postal_address, foreign_key: true
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Finally just setup the relations in the model asked in the first requirement:

class Customer < ApplicationRecord
    has_one :collocation, as: :collocable
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After this we are able to:

Reusability via Concerns

With this approach, we already can use PostalAddress in other models like Trainer doing only this:

class Trainer < ApplicationRecord
    has_one :collocation, as: :collocable
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But we would like to write things like:

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instead of

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The solution is:

class Trainer < ApplicationRecord
    has_one :collocation, as: :collocable, dependent: :destroy
    has_one :postal_address, through: :collocation
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now we can write:

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BUT we have another line that should be repeated in every Collocable model.

has_one :postal_address, through: :collocation
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Concerns to the rescue

Let's create the file for the Collocable concern


module Collocable
    extend ActiveSupport::Concern

    included do
        has_one :collocation, as: :collocable, dependent: :destroy
        has_one :postal_address, through: :collocation
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And use (include) it in Customer model

class Customer < ApplicationRecord
    include  Collocable
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In case we need in the future to have a postal address for Trainer we can:

class Trainer < ApplicationRecord
    include  Collocable
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After this we can:

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Now we are using polymorphism and concerns and we are in a very comfortable situation for adding more functionalities to our postal_address features without touching our collocable models.

Imagine we want to have postal_addres.full_addres method and be able to write trainer.full_address.

Adding method to our PostalAddress model

class PostalAddress < ApplicationRecord
    def full_address
        "#{number} #{street}, #{zipcode} #{city}, #{country_iso2}"
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Adding features to our Collocable concern

module Collocable
    extend ActiveSupport::Concern

    included do
        has_one :collocation, as: :collocable, dependent: :destroy
        has_one :postal_address, through: :collocation

        delegate :full_addres, to: :postal_address, allow_nil: true
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We can improve now our collocable feature as much as we want. When you add functionalities to collocable you should avoid including dependencies from the models who pretend to be collocable.

And in case of the next week my client comes with:

"I want to store and show the postal address of the Building."

I know and you know:

class Building < ApplicationRecord
    include  Collocable
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git commit -am 'adding the postal address to buildings'; git push origin master

Retry later

Top comments (1)

austindenz412 profile image

Thank you for sharing your detailed solution for handling postal addresses in various models. Your use of polymorphism and concerns is a smart approach to keep the codebase Postal Codes clean and reusable. This will certainly help others facing similar challenges when implementing postal addresses for different entities. Well-explained and insightful post!