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Discussion on: Essential terminal packages in 2020

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

This is always going to be opinionated, especially when people use words like, "essential"...

I use zsh on Macs, but only because of Apple's bundling it to get around the GPL on bash. I think oh-my-zsh is a waste of time, because I haven't found any features in it that I want and that I can't do, easily, without it. As far as I'm concerned, it's bloat.

fzf is great. I'm not sure it's essential but I do use it a lot, wrapped in something so it's not a hard dependency:

if command -v fzf >/dev/null; then
  # progressive enhancement here

ripgrep is great. I've used ack and the-silver-searcher too, and they're all good, but rg is the winner as far as I'm concerned. It's worth it to learn grep though :)

I'm sure autojump is cool, and I know people use some things that are similar, like z or the old CDPATH, but they're not how my brain works and I don't like using them.

httpie looks alright, maybe the curl version of the grep -> ripgrep progressive enhancement. I don't use it, personally, but I can see the appeal.

I use bat quite a lot, but I have a problem with it being used as a drop-in replacement for cat. It's more a drop-in replacement for less -F, otherwise it's one of them Useless Uses of Cat, but with wings.

exa doesn't offer me more than ls except maybe for colourising the file permissions. I don't need another full program for that!

twf looks cool. I'll check it out, because I make my own mashups of commands with fzf quite frequently.

jimatjibba profile image
James G. Best

Thanks for your feedback. Maybe Essential is loaded. They are essential to me as they are part of my everyday toolkit.