I talked about this great resource https://github.com/LaravelDaily/laravel-tips a while ago in a previous article https://dev.to/morcosgad/quick-tips-laravel-3n1e because it contains a lot of great tips that will help you do your project better and I have just released this new video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyQnnT1Topw and
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEmi12wNGas and
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJWHv_YBC7o with some great tips that I wanted to share with you.
- Skip method
$schedule->command('emails:send')->daily()->skip(function () {
return Calendar::isHoliday();
- When searching for the first record, you can perform some actions
$book = Book::whereCount('authors')
->orderBy('authors_count', 'DESC')
->having('modules_count', '>', 10)
->firstOr(function() {
// THe Sky is the Limit ...
// You can perform any action here
- Make use of the value method on the query builder
// Before (fetches all columns on the row)
Statistic::where('user_id', 4)->first()->post_count;
// After (fetches only `post_count`)
Statistic::where('user_id', 4)->value('post_count');
- Route resources grouping
'photos' => PhotoController::class,
'posts' => PostController::class,
- Get all the column names for a table
returns [
- Route model binding soft-deleted models
Route::get('/posts/{post}', function (Post $post) {
return $post;
- Specify what to do if a scheduled task fails or succeeds
->onSuccess(function () {
// The task succeeded
->onFailure(function () {
// The task failed
- Validation is required if another field is accepted
'is_company' => 'on',
'company_name' => 'Apple',
], [
'is_company' => 'required|boolean',
'company_name' => 'required_if_accepted:is_company',
- Redirect with URL fragment
return redirect()
// domain.test/url#contactForm
return redirect()
// domain.test/product/23#reviews
I hope you enjoyed the code.
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