DEV Community

Discussion on: Subscription is the only way to do software

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edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

It depends on the value proposition whether a produce should be charged by subscription or a one-time fee. There are lot of software products that just don't justify an on-going fee. Games are perhaps the biggest one, since they are mainly a short-lived experience.

But there are several development products like this as well. A lot of small things, like individual NodeJS or Python libraries, could unlikely justify an on-going cost (not that a lot of those are for pay). The regular payment would be too small to justify. Sometimes things are just worth $5 for the lifetime of the module. Trying to get somebody to pay $1/month is both too expensive and not worth the overhead.

I'm also a bit concerned about the need to have constantly updated software. Not all things are online, nor are they subject to security concerns. Something like Photoshop for example works very well as a versioned thing. If you have a version that works for you, great, there is no need to update. By having a subscription you are inevitably forced onto an update wagon as well.