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Pranav Bakare
Pranav Bakare

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PACKAGES in PLSQL in detail

Detailed Explanation: Creating, Managing, and Executing PL/SQL Packages with Sample Data

This explanation covers everything you need to know about creating a PL/SQL package, defining procedures and functions, creating a table, inserting sample data, and executing the package.

  1. Creating a PL/SQL Package

A PL/SQL package is a collection of procedures, functions, variables, and other PL/SQL constructs grouped logically. Packages have two main parts:

Package Specification: Declares public procedures, functions, and variables.

Package Body: Contains the actual implementation of the declared procedures and functions.

In this case, we'll create a package to manage employee data in the employees table. The package will have:

  1. A procedure to insert new employees (hire_employee).

  2. A function to retrieve employee names by their ID (get_employee_name).

Package Specification

-- Public variable to store the number of employees
emp_count NUMBER;

-- Public procedure to hire a new employee
PROCEDURE hire_employee(emp_id NUMBER, emp_name VARCHAR2, dept_id NUMBER);

-- Public function to get the name of an employee
FUNCTION get_employee_name(emp_id NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2;
END employee_pkg;

emp_count is a public variable that will store the number of employees.

hire_employee is a procedure that takes three arguments: emp_id, emp_name, and dept_id, which are used to insert a new employee into the employees table.

get_employee_name is a function that takes an employee's emp_id as input and returns their name.

Package Body

-- Initialize employee count to 0
emp_count NUMBER := 0;

-- Procedure to hire an employee
PROCEDURE hire_employee(emp_id NUMBER, emp_name VARCHAR2, dept_id NUMBER) IS
-- Insert employee details into the employees table
INSERT INTO employees (id, name, department_id) VALUES (emp_id, emp_name, dept_id);
-- Increment employee count
emp_count := emp_count + 1;
END hire_employee;

-- Function to get employee name by ID
FUNCTION get_employee_name(emp_id NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
v_name VARCHAR2(50);
-- Retrieve the employee's name from the table
SELECT name INTO v_name FROM employees WHERE id = emp_id;
RETURN v_name;
END get_employee_name;
END employee_pkg;

The employee_pkg package body implements:

hire_employee Procedure: Inserts a new employee into the employees table and increments the emp_count.

get_employee_name Function: Returns the name of an employee based on their emp_id.

  1. Creating the employees Table

Now, let's create the employees table where employee information will be stored.

CREATE TABLE employees (
name VARCHAR2(50), -- Employee Name
department_id NUMBER -- Department ID

id: The unique identifier (primary key) for each employee.

name: The name of the employee.

department_id: The department to which the employee belongs.

  1. Inserting Sample Data into the employees Table

Before we start using the package, let’s insert some initial data into the table.

INSERT INTO employees (id, name, department_id) VALUES (1, 'Alice Johnson', 10);
INSERT INTO employees (id, name, department_id) VALUES (2, 'Bob Smith', 20);
INSERT INTO employees (id, name, department_id) VALUES (3, 'Charlie Brown', 10);
INSERT INTO employees (id, name, department_id) VALUES (4, 'David White', 30);
INSERT INTO employees (id, name, department_id) VALUES (5, 'Eva Green', 20);

-- Commit the transaction to save the changes

Now we have a few rows of employee data in the employees table.

  1. Executing the Package's Procedures and Functions

4.1 Executing the hire_employee Procedure

We can now use the hire_employee procedure to add a new employee to the table. Here's an example of how to do this:

-- Hire a new employee using the hire_employee procedure
employee_pkg.hire_employee(6, 'Frank Miller', 40);

In this example, we are adding an employee with:

emp_id = 6

emp_name = 'Frank Miller'

department_id = 40

The procedure will insert this data into the employees table and increment the emp_count variable.

4.2 Executing the get_employee_name Function

Next, let's retrieve the name of an employee using their emp_id by calling the get_employee_name function.

v_name VARCHAR2(50);
-- Call the function to get the employee name
v_name := employee_pkg.get_employee_name(6);

-- Output the employee's name
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Employee Name: ' || v_name);

In this example, we pass the emp_id = 6 to the function, which returns Frank Miller.

  1. Verifying the Data

You can verify that the new employee was added by executing a SELECT query:

SELECT * FROM employees;

This should display:

This confirms that the new employee has been added to the employees table.

Complete Workflow Recap

  1. Create the PL/SQL Package:

Define public procedures and functions in the package specification.

Implement the logic for the procedures and functions in the package body.

  1. Create the employees Table:

Set up the table structure to hold employee data.

  1. Insert Initial Sample Data:

Insert data directly into the table before using the package to manage the data.

  1. Use the Package's Procedures and Functions:

Call the hire_employee procedure to insert new employees.

Call the get_employee_name function to retrieve employee names.

  1. Verify Data:

Use SQL queries to confirm the data is stored correctly in the table.

This process demonstrates how to create a package, interact with the database, and manage employees using PL/SQL.

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