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Rezaul karim
Rezaul karim

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Useful Tips for Increasing Your Productivity

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Programming Productivity

Hello everybody. So today we are going to discuss about 5 tips to increasing programming productivity. Tip number one

1. Leverage The Power of Habit:

Leverage The Power of Habit is to build productive routines. I asked you guys for book recommendations on Twitter and one of the books I got was The Power of Habit now, I actually started listening to the audio book of it and I thought it was really interesting because it helped me understand how I became more productive in the past years.


And now that I can pinpoint that it was because I was building A habit out of the things I want to be productive on that. I was able to make a routine and start cranking out code videos work stuff. You name it? Now essentially what you want to do is for the next 21 days do something every day. This could be coding flossing or whatever you want that you think is productive and after 21 days will be so hard for you to stop that’ll become second nature to you tip. Number two,

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2. Start multitasking:


Try Start multitasking the mundane stuff for things that doesn’t require much concentration to do. Do something else that’s more productive while you do that. It would save you surprisingly a lot of time. For example when I clean my room or do something super boring that I usually do not like at all. I would just you know, whip out an audio book and just start listening to it and that way I can actually learn stuff. Why do those mundane tasks? Another example would be when I brush my teeth, I would read. Else or I would check my social media accounts and then little by little I’m actually saving a lot of time in the long run. Tip number three,

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3. keep yourself busy and accountable with deadlines and stakeholders:


Now. One of the things I like to do is actually to fill out my calendar with lots of focus blocks and deadlines. That way I barely have time to procrastinate the deadlines I set for myself or even better that I promise to other people will keep me accountable for actually Completing the projects that way I can’t procrastinate because I just have a lot to finish and a lot of people are depending on me to finish them. Tip number four

4. When taking a break don’t think about work just have fun:


This is important because I see a lot of people have faster productive time, but they also have faster fun time. For example. I see a lot of people studying while watching TV shows that’s terrible because you end up not enjoying the show nor learning the things you’re trying to learn. So what I give myself a break I make sure I don’t think about anything else. I love TV shows. So I turn off my phone and immerse myself and surprisingly you’ll actually learn a lot more by doing that like, for example, I love to watch Pop videos and actually On the law of cinematography by dissecting these videos and just focusing on it. But if I was quoting while watching these Pop videos, I’d never appreciate them as much. Tip number 5

5. Exercise to increase programming productivity!


Now I’m a big fan of weightlifting so I might be biased here but I truly believe that exercising will make you sharper exercise. In helps you relieve stress because it releases endorphins which are feel good hormones. That way allows you to refresh your mind and be a lot more productive throughout the day. It doesn’t even need to be super intense. As long as you get your heart rate up and work on moving your body more you feel the benefits right away exercise is a powerful habit and can be a good Hammer too, you know Teaching you to how to build these productive habits. So I highly recommend going to the gym or exercising regularly.

Last word about increasing your programming productivity!

So in conclusion, the most important point I want to get across is that if you really want to be good at something or you want to change an aspect of your life then make it a habit.And improve your programming productivity. Now you might say. Oh, yeah, it’s not as easy as it sounds though. And you’re absolutely right.

You know building habits extremely hard and I find it hard myself. But if you really care about thing you want to achieve then you will put the effort into it.

and that’s why I want to keep myself accountable for what I say. So basically choose something that you always want to do or something that you want to get good at and together. We’ll make it a new habit.

Read this article on my blog.

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Oldest comments (4)

rickmills profile image
Rick Mills • Edited

Nice list :) I'd add one more:

Automate repetative tasks.
Anything that you do repeatedly that takes up time is worth considering. There's obviously diminishing returns - theres no point spending 5 hours building an automation tool to do a job that takes 5 seconds, but for example if every day you log in to your server and copy a backup to another location - thats a prime candidate for automation.

In terms of a programming setup, things like your code quality tests - those are good to automate with something like a git hook that won't allow you to commit your work if it doesn't pass the checks.

mrezaulkarim profile image
Rezaul karim

Thanks @rickmills

baselakasha profile image
Basel Akasha

"2. Start multitasking" I disagree with this. From personal experience, multitasking small things hurt my brain and decreased my ability to focus. Even multitasking small things, this will develop the habit of multitasking which is a bad habit in my opinion.

baukereg profile image
Bauke Regnerus

Multitasking is the worst advise possible. It's a lie. If you clean your room while listening to an audio book, you're not cleaning your room properly and will not follow along with the audio book entirely. The best way to learn something is to be 100% dedicated to that and prevent any distractions. It's a scientific fact: humans are not capable of doing two things at the same time with proper attention. An entire generation has grown up with the false idea of multitasking, hence they lack the ability to concentrate on something for a long time.