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Roger Campbell II
Roger Campbell II

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Nested For Loops

Nested For Loops

loops everywhere

Loops offer a quick and easy way to do something repeatedly. There are a handful of loop statement in JavaScript, such as: for, for/in, and while to name a few. Today we will learn about nested for loops.

Table of Contents


  • Basic JavaScript Syntax
  • Basic Data Types
  • Arrays
  • Basic For Loops


By the end of this lesson developers should be able to:

  • Utilize nested for loops to output data to the console
  • Distinguish the difference between a for loop and a nested for loop

Basic For Loops

A for loops basic functionality is to continuously execute a specific block of code until a test expression is evaluated to false.


const captains = ['Picard', 'Kirk', 'Janeway', 'Sisko']

for(let i = 0; i < captains.length; i++){
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The above example will iterate over the array of Captains and console.log each Captains' name.

Nested For Loops

We commonly utilize nested for loops to place one loop inside of another, this allows us to dynamically combine data to output a desired result.

Use The Loop

We Do

Let's make our console act out a Star Trek: Short Trek where Captain Picard get stuck in a time loop.

for(let i = 3; i > 0; i--){
    console.log("Mr. Crusher! Engage in:")
    for(let j = 3; j > 0; j--){
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As you can see above we are defining two separate loops:

  1. The Outer Loop: Where we define i and say for each time i is greater than 0; we want the console to output: Mr Crusher! Engage in:

  2. The Inner Loop: Where we define j and say for each time j is greater than 0; we want the console to output: j

So what is happening inside this Nested For Loop?

By nesting the Inner Loop inside of the Outer Loop we are able to:

  1. Execute our Outer Loop which outputs Captain Picard's command once
  2. Then Inner Loop is executed and outputs its console log until its condition is evaluated as true; ie: 3, 2, 1
  3. Then the Out Loop picks up where it left off and outputs Captain Picard's command again because its condition has not been met
  4. Which then causes the the Inner Loop to execute again and repeat step two listed above
  5. Then we run through step one and two one more time due to the Out Loop not ceasing to execute until its condition is evaluated to true



Can you decipher what is going on here in the code below?

let captainsOrder = "Mr. Crusher! Engage in:"
let countDown = [3, 2, 1, 'Engage!']

for(let i = 3; i > 0; i--){


    for(let j = 0; j < countDown.length; j++){
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