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Concepts you should know to be a master of JavaScript

Mihai Stanciu on January 12, 2021

MLH #MajorLeagueHacking #LocalHackDay How to use JavaScript JavaScript is an amazing programming language. It is most popular...
epsi profile image
E.R. Nurwijayadi β€’

The Event Loop is one of the most important aspects to understand about Node.js.


javier123454321 profile image
Javier Gonzalez β€’

Yes! Knowing how the event loop behaves was one of those things that just levels up your JavaScript significantly.

mstanciu552 profile image
Mihai Stanciu β€’

Thanks for sharing. I think I will alocate one entire article to the event loop, as I didn't want to make this one too long.

epsi profile image
E.R. Nurwijayadi β€’ β€’ Edited

I'm actually just another beginner in NodeJS world. To help more beginner, I have made a working example with souce code in github.


First defined both functions, as a sender (producer), and a receiver (customer).

Sender and Receiver

And then run both separately

Run Both in Program Entry Point

I hope this could help other who seeks for other case example.

Thread Thread
mstanciu552 profile image
Mihai Stanciu β€’

Thanks for sharing. Helping each other is the only way to improve. πŸ‘πŸ˜

labib profile image
Asif β€’

Dude ,
I am new at , Can You please tell me how to increase font size in the middle of the Blog . Or How do I write bigger Words in the middle when writing a Blog .
BTW , Very useful Blog

mstanciu552 profile image
Mihai Stanciu β€’

You can use Markdown. It gives instructions when you make a new post on the right side. You can use # - for h1

- for h2


- for h6

Also you can use text for bold text.

labib profile image
Asif β€’

Thanks alot.
You saved me

stanley profile image
Stanley Gomes β€’ β€’ Edited

Great post, man! I got new things to learn. Thanks.

mstanciu552 profile image
Mihai Stanciu β€’

Thanks a lot for sharing your opinionβ™₯οΈπŸ‘πŸ˜

chathunbandara profile image
chathuranga bandara β€’
