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Install PHP 8 on Arch Linux | Manjaro Linux

deprecated article

PHP 8 release on November 27, 2020 but Arch Linux official package didn't upgrade it in their official repository yet. It's because so many package that require PHP as their dependency didn't compatible yet with PHP 8. But as an Arch or Manjaro Linux users, we can install it via AUR.

1. Install missing dependencies

sudo pacman -S hspell nuspell libvoikko
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as addressed in this comment

2. Insall PHP 8 via AUR

  • using yay
yay -S php80
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all is well πŸ‘Œ

  • not using aur helper
git clone
cd php80
makepkg -Si
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all is well πŸ‘Œ

FYI, we can't install xdebug for PHP 8 from package manager neither AUR. If you need xdebug follow these instruction here

when you arrive in step to run ./configure don't forget to add --with-php-config=/usr/bin/php-config80. XDebug wizard doesn't warn us about it.


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