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Muiz Oyebowale
Muiz Oyebowale

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Embracing Grit and Growth Mindset

Hey there, fellow coders and curious minds! 🚀 Welcome to my personal corner of the internet where we're going to talk about something that's close to my heart and crucial for our software engineering journey – grit and growth mindset. So, grab your favorite drink and let's dive in!

What's Grit Anyway?

Grit, my friends, is like that fire inside you that refuses to be extinguished. It's the relentless determination to keep pushing forward, no matter how many bugs you encounter (the software kind, not the creepy-crawly ones). Angela Duckworth's definition nails it: it's that combo of passion and perseverance. It's the stubborn refusal to give up on that line of code that's been giving you sleepless nights.

Why Grit Matters?

Think of a time when you tackled a problem that seemed insurmountable. Remember that amazing feeling when you cracked it? That's grit in action. Duckworth's research says grit matters even more than raw talent. She studied all kinds of folks, from students to athletes, and guess what? Those who had more grit were like the tortoise in the race – they might not have started the fastest, but they sure as heck finished strong.

Hello Growth Mindset, My Old Friend

Now, let's talk about growth mindset. Imagine your brain is an RPG game – every challenge you conquer levels up your skills. A growth mindset is like having cheat codes that let you level up faster. It's believing that you can learn, adapt, and improve with time and effort.

The Downer: Fixed Mindset

But ah, the fixed mindset – it's like that villain in every video game who tries to stop you from progressing. It's when you think you're stuck with the skills you've got and there's no room for improvement. It's time to kick that fixed mindset to the digital curb.

My Brain's Dance Battle: Fixed vs. Growth Mindset

Picture this: I'm coding away, trying to figure out why my program won't run. In a fixed mindset, my brain's doing the Macarena of self-doubt. But switch to the growth mindset, and boom! My brain is breakdancing like it's at a coding rave. Challenges become opportunities, and failures become lessons.

Why I'm Team Growth Mindset

Now, onto the science bit! Carol Dweck's study rocked my world. She split students into two groups. One got the pep talk on the power of a growth mindset, while the other group just chilled. Then, they faced tough tasks. Drumroll, please – the growth mindset group didn't just step up, they conquered those tasks like coding superheroes.

In My Coding Odyssey...

So, here's the takeaway, pals. As I navigate my software engineering odyssey, grit and a growth mindset are my trusty sidekicks. It's about never giving up on that complex algorithm, even if it feels like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces.

Remember, your coding journey is YOUR story. Embrace the challenges, dance with the bugs, and keep the growth mindset beats going strong. The world of coding is waiting for your unique touch, so go dazzle it with your persistence and belief in your own potential.

Until next time, fellow code warriors! 🚀💻🎉

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