What is cycle ?
We read about water cycle . From Cloud rain falls . In heat water go to sky and it becomes cloud again . And cloud becomes rain in rainy day . It happens infinity times .This is a cycle .
How can it be held in Linked List?
Let’s see it with singly linked list .
As we have to less handle the connection . Here there is no previous linked list .
Same process will held in doubly linked list .
Let’s take a linked list -
10 30 40 50 60
If we mistakenly don’t write NULL after 60 and write B after 60 what’ll happen?
It will become a cycle. It will run for whole life . Meaning infinity times . It is a cycle of linked list .
We have to detect it . Because we cannot work with it . We will get TLE or Compiler will be hanged .
How to detect?
There is an algorithm to detect it .
It is called SlowFast Algorithm or Tortoise and Hare Algorithm or Two Pointer Technique
We have to take two pointer .
Tortoise pointer will go to the next pointer and Hare pointer will jump to 3rd pointer . Meaning Hare will pass 2 index and tortoise 1 index . And they both will be in the tail . It means they have a cycle .
If it is cycle the two pointer will be in same index at any point .
int main()
Node *head = new Node(10);
Node *a = new Node(20);
Node *b = new Node(30);
Node *c = new Node(40);
Node *d = new Node(50);
Node *e = new Node(60);
head->next = a;
a->next = b;
b->next = c;
c->next = d;
d->next = e;
e->next = a;
// Detect
Node *slow = head;
Node *fast = head;
int f = 0;
while (fast != NULL && fast->next != NULL)
slow = slow->next;
fast = fast->next->next;
if (slow == fast)
f = 1;
// Cycle detected
break; // As There is no end . It will held for whole life
if (f)
cout << "Cycle DETECTED\n";
cout << "No Cycle\n";
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