Category | Popular Packages | Deeper Packages | Purpose |
Core Framework | @nestjs/common | @nestjs/core | Core NestJS features, dependency injection, decorators, and lifecycle hooks. |
MongoDB Integration | @nestjs/mongoose | mongoose | Simplified MongoDB integration with Mongoose. |
Validation | class-validator | class-transformer | Request validation and object transformation. |
Configuration | @nestjs/config | dotenv | Manage environment variables and configurations. |
Authentication | @nestjs/passport | passport-local | Add Passport.js authentication strategies. |
@nestjs/jwt | passport-jwt | Add JWT-based authentication. | |
GraphQL Support | @nestjs/graphql | graphql-tools, apollo-server | Build GraphQL APIs with NestJS. |
File Handling | @nestjs/platform-express | @nestjs/multer | Handle file uploads and manage static assets. |
Logging | nestjs-pino | pino, winston | Advanced logging with lightweight or feature-rich loggers. |
Caching | @nestjs/redis | cache-manager, ioredis | Redis caching for high performance. |
Testing | @nestjs/testing | jest | Tools for writing unit and integration tests. |
Swagger Documentation | @nestjs/swagger | swagger-ui-express | Automatically generate API documentation. |
Microservices | @nestjs/microservices | amqp-connection-manager, nats | Build microservices and event-based applications. |
Job Scheduling | @nestjs/schedule | node-schedule, bull | Schedule tasks or manage job queues. |
Advanced MongoDB Tools | nestjs-mongoose-pagination | mongoose-paginate-v2 | Handle MongoDB pagination efficiently. |
nestjs-aggregate | mongoose-aggregate-pipeline | Simplify MongoDB aggregation queries. |
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