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Munisekhar Udavalapati
Munisekhar Udavalapati

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JavaScript Interview Questions And Answers ->1.0

1.what is JavaScript?
JavaScript is client-side and server side programing language. this is scripting language and also acts like OOP. it can allow to write HTML, CSS in JavaScript.
2.Who developed JavaScript, and what is the fist name of JavaScript?
JavaScript created by Brandan Eich.
he can developed this scripting language in just 10 days.
JavaScript initially name Mocha, after it can change as a Live Script then later know as JavaScript.
3.what are the differences B/w Java and JavaScript?
java: it can be use server side code
JavaScript: it can use client side as all as server side code
java: it is fully Object-oriented
JavaScript: it's not fully Object-oriented
java: code run in virtual machine
JavaScript: JavaScript code run in Browser
4.What is JavaScript data types?
JavaScript data types are basically 2type's
1.Primitive data type---number, string, Boolean, Undefined, Null
2.Non-Primitive data type0---Object, Array, REG-EXP
5.Why should we study JavaScript?
It easy to learn and we use JavaScript server side as well as client side. it can allow to Dom manipulation. it can support wide range of packages

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