DEV Community

Being the first to start remote working

Johan van Tongeren on February 28, 2020

My girlfriend and I want to move to another city. Not a few miles to the next big city, not to the other side of Holland, but a country on the othe...
bommen profile image
Bart van Ommen β€’

"Tempted to eat more candy/snacks since they're at hand"
I know the feeling, even when working remote for just one day a week 😫

dreamdealer profile image
Johan van Tongeren β€’

Discipline is so important when working at home. I found that having a very strict routine helps with that. Lunch is at exactly 12:00, walk outside at 15:00, one coffee before lunch, two after lunch, etc.

Feels a bit OCD, but it helps me.

immungekar profile image
Abhishek Mungekar β€’

Can you tell the website for remote jobs ?

marcoslooten profile image
Marco Slooten β€’

Very cool that you (and your employer) made it work. I can relate to the stigma of working from home (and I'm talking about the occasional one-off working from home days). I think it stems from the difficulty in measuring productivity, which leads to people measuring the wrong things as a proxy for it (ass-in-chair time and other useless metrics). I hope the perception of remote work will change, as there are more and more companies showing that it works for them (e.g. Basecamp, Invision, Webflow).

dreamdealer profile image
Johan van Tongeren β€’

Exactly that!

harald3dcv profile image
Harald Reingruber β€’

How is it working for you not being left out from team discussions, like unplanned discussions which often happen randomly at the coffee machine?

I have been working in a team, where we were dislocated from our main office, and sometime working remotely while traveling.

If you experience some in-balance in communication between the people working on-site and you hiring more remote developers might be an interesting solution. I've heard that it is easier to avoid leaving out the remote people, if more than half is working remotely. But I guess as you were working well together before, and know each other for quite some time it might be less of an issue compared to when start working together remotly from the beginning.

dreamdealer profile image
Johan van Tongeren β€’

Well, our team is indeed already well tuned-in and we're also very lucky that we all get along great. We are a real team, not a few devs who are forced to work on the same code. I think that's a big plus.

I think the people in the team make or break the remoteness of team members.

dreamdealer profile image
Johan van Tongeren β€’

Another thing I can add to the positive side of remote working is the ability to meditate during breaks. This is something that is nearly impossible in a crowded office.

I have started meditating in the short afternoon break at 15:00 since this week and I feel a lot better!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

This is a very classic story, thanks for sharing...

dreamdealer profile image
Johan van Tongeren β€’

Thanks Ben!

tfbiii profile image
Fred Buecker β€’

Are you able to find reliable, high-speed internet "where there are more trees than bytes in the air"?

dreamdealer profile image
Johan van Tongeren β€’

I've been to Sweden 20 times by now and also to very remote places, but the 4G coverage is very good!

dreamdealer profile image
Johan van Tongeren β€’

Thanks, Ricardo ☺️