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Gaming on a Virtual Machine: Your Guide to Improving Performance in Hyper-V

Gamers are increasingly turning to virtual machines (VM) to play video games, and for good reason. Virtual machine gaming delivers better security, flexibility, and convenience. Yet, using games requiring high-end graphics can cause a deterioration in VM performance.

What are the benefits of gaming on a virtual machine? And how to make a VM run faster? This blog answers these questions and provides you with a roadmap to optimize your Hyper-V performance for a better gaming experience.

Virtual Machines and the World of Gaming
In short, a virtual machine is a computer (that is, the guest VM) inside a computer (that is, the host machine). The virtual machine (VM) can run an operating system separately from the host machine's operating system while using the host CPU, memory, and disk. The operating system on your physical machine is the host OS, while the operating system inside the virtual machine is the guest OS.

Each virtual machine is entirely independent and runs its operating system separately from other VMs. Users can create and run as many VMs as they want on a hypervisor, such as Hyper-V, Microsoft's virtualization technology. This hypervisor manages the resources allocated to these virtual environments from the physical machine.

Hence, VMs allow users to make the most of their hardware by creating virtual computer environments. Currently, such virtual environments can be used by gamers for the many benefits that virtualization brings to the table.

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