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Naim Latifi
Naim Latifi

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Quote CRUD App build with React.js

We frontend developers are not limited to only one framework for building Single Page Applications (SPA). Recently I have been working mostly with Vue.js framework for building those applications but I wanted to extend my knowledge further and learn how React.js works under the hood. So, I created this simple Quote CRUD app with the purpose of applying React.js concepts and shared it with you. 😊

The purpose of this app is as a user to be able to create, read, edit and delete a quote. Technologies and React concepts I applied in this app:

  • Quickly get started with create-react-app CLI βœ…
  • Created class components for showing and creating quotes. βœ…
  • Instead of writing pure vanilla JS for creating HTML elements and appending to DOM I learned to use JSX and understood that everything in React is JavaScript. βœ…
  • In order to navigate between pages, I installed a react-router. βœ…
  • Local state in React class components and setState method for mutating the state values. βœ…
  • As my app began to grow I noticed that it could be better to separate it in multiple function components and reuse those components. βœ…
  • Controlled components for handling user form inputs and events. βœ…
  • Props for passing data between components and conditional rendering to render part of the code/component. βœ…
  • React-bootstrap is used for UI components. βœ…
  • Sass as CSS pre-processor for component styling. βœ…
  • React masonry CSS for masonry layout. βœ…
  • Firebase real database for saving, fetching and updating the data. βœ…
  • For this tiny app I would probably not need an extra library for managing the state of this application however I wanted to integrate Redux and hold the application state into a store, using reducers to specify how the application's state changes, using actions to send data from my application to the store by dispatching, etc. βœ…

Link: Quote app

I hope you find it interesting!

Cheers 🍻
Stay healthy!

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