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M A Nakib
M A Nakib

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Why we need best practice cloud based system?

Best practice cloud-based systems are essential for several reasons:

  1. Cost Savings: Cloud computing can significantly reduce the cost of setting up and managing IT infrastructure.
  2. Security: Robust security measures such as encryption and strong authentication mechanisms can be implemented to protect sensitive information².
  3. Flexibility: Cloud-based systems offer the ability to easily scale up or down based on business needs.
  4. Mobility: Cloud computing allows users to access data and applications from anywhere, enhancing productivity.
  5. Increased Collaboration: Cloud-based systems facilitate better collaboration by allowing distributed teams to meet virtually and easily share information in real time.
  6. Quality Control: In the cloud, everyone accesses the same information, which can improve consistency and reduce human error¹.
  7. Disaster Recovery: Cloud-based services provide quick data recovery for all kinds of emergency scenarios.
  8. Loss Prevention: If your hardware gets damaged or lost, the data remains safe in the cloud¹.
  9. Automatic Software Updates: Cloud-based applications automatically refresh and update themselves.
  10. Integration: A good cloud-based system will integrate with a variety of platforms and portals that you use.

By following industry-standard rules, guidelines, and recommendations for effectively utilizing cloud computing resources, organizations can maximize these benefits while ensuring security, reliability, and cost optimization². It's important to note that while adopting a cloud model can be a game-changer, its implementation and maintenance can be complex. Therefore, organizations must follow the best practices of cloud computing to ensure smooth cloud adoption and build a sustainable cloud model.

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