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Nakiboneka Mary Margret
Nakiboneka Mary Margret

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Minimizing Lines of code(LOC)

Reducing lines of code (LOC) can improve code readability, maintainability, and efficiency. However, it’s essential to strike a balance between brevity and clarity. Here are some best practices and techniques to minimize LOC while preserving code quality:

  1. - Extract functions: Break down long methods into smaller, single-purpose functions. This improves readability and reusability.
  2. - Use conditional expressions: Replace if-else statements with ternary operators (e.g., condition ? true_value : false_value) or null-coalescing operators (e.g., x ?? y).
  3. - Eliminate unnecessary variables: Remove unused variables and assignments to declutter code.
  4. - Use concise data structures: Choose data structures that minimize memory usage and iteration complexity (e.g., use arrays instead of lists).
  5. - Avoid redundant code: Remove duplicate code blocks and consider using templates or macros (if available in your language).
  6. - Use built-in functions: Leverage language-provided functions and utilities to reduce custom implementations.
  7. - Simplify logical expressions: Break down complex logical expressions into smaller, more manageable parts.
  8. - Use early returns: Instead of nesting multiple conditions, use early returns to simplify control flow.
  9. - Minimize loops: Optimize loops by using more efficient algorithms or reducing iteration counts.
  10. - Code reviews: Encourage code reviews to identify and eliminate unnecessary LOC.

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