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Docker Tip - How to use the host's IP Address inside a Docker container on macOS, Windows, and Linux

Stefan Natter πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΉπŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» on May 21, 2020

Once in a while, you may need your Docker host's IP address. For instance, you need to be able to connect to the host network from inside a Docker ...
thiagorb profile image
Thiago RomΓ£o Barcala β€’

Another alternative is to add the entry below to your Linux host's /etc/hosts: host.docker.internal
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Then you can simple define the environments as:

  DB_UPSTREAM: http://host.docker.internal:3000
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jay_67 profile image
Jay β€’

Is host ip?

If it is means every time host's ip address changes for some reason maybe network switching to WIFI to LAN we need to update this and rerun our compose?

waterloomatt profile image

Running WSL (Ubuntu 20.04 LTS), I added this to my .bashrc file.

export DOCKER_GATEWAY_HOST="`/sbin/ip route|awk '/dev eth0 proto kernel/ { print  $9}'`"
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This runs /sbin/ip route, searches for the line containing "dev eth0 proto kernel", then grabs the 9th element from that line which corresponds to the IP address.

Then, in docker-compose.yml I referenced it here,

    - ...
    - ...
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alxgrk profile image
Alexander Girke β€’

In case you are dealing with several Docker bridge networks, it's important to get the gateway IP of the correct network:

$ docker network inspect my-network -f "{{ (index .IPAM.Config 0).Gateway }}"
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ahmadharis4u profile image
Ahmad Haris β€’ β€’ Edited

I tried this method:
put a new env docker container:

When the docker runs, it shows HOST_IP=host.docker.internal

$ docker exec <container> env | grep HOST
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The same is picked up by my python code.
Does this (host.docker.internal) also needs to be resolved to get the actual host IP?

riochndr profile image
Rio Chandra β€’

Thank you, you give me new insight. I do a lot research about this too and write on my gist github. problem connect container to host

ibejohn818 profile image
John Hardy β€’

if you need the host.docker.internal (for example, nginx proxy to your host network), use an entrypoint script (IE: ENTRYPOINT['/'])

" install iputils-ping & iproute2 (or like packages)
" check if the host name resolves,
" if not, then get the gateway of the current network (which is the host)
" and set it in the containers host file


ping -q -c1 $HOST_DOMAIN > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
HOST_IP=$(ip route | awk 'NR==1 {print $3}')
echo -e "$HOST_IP\t$HOST_DOMAIN" >> /etc/hosts

Cheers ;-)

jveillet profile image
Jeremie Veillet β€’

Nice trick!! I I was searching for a solution like this since I moved to an Ubuntu machine at work. Thanks a ton! πŸ‘

natterstefan profile image
Stefan Natter πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΉπŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» β€’

Hi Jeremie,

Thanks for the feedback. I’m happy I could help you. ✌️

horaciodegiorgi profile image
Horacio Degiorgi β€’ β€’ Edited
export DOCKER_GATEWAY_HOST="`hostname -I` |awk '{print $1}'  `" 
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to automatize the iP (only get the first)

natterstefan profile image
Stefan Natter πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΉπŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» β€’

Thanks for the feedback!

aguedeney profile image
Alan Guedeney β€’

This is broken (at least on MacOS). I don’t get the host’s IP address. I get for host.docker.internal. Am I missing something?

neftedollar profile image
Roman Melnikov β€’

As I understand 'host.docker.internal' inside docker default network will be bonded to your host machine. If you can access with 'host.docker.internal' your host ports then everything is ok

alexmikhalev profile image
AlexMikhalev β€’

Great tip, way simpler and works out of the box without any need for AWK/SED.

nialljoemaher profile image
Niall Maher β€’

Nice! This could definitely come in handy!

natterstefan profile image
Stefan Natter πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΉπŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» β€’

Thanks Niall. It does - resolved some issues for our team.

uebmaster profile image
Uebmaster β€’

this could be used it in linux for production?