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Allocated case-Kenyatta University Teaching Research & Refferal Hospital(KUTRRH)

Use Cases for Core System

Purpose of Use Cases

Use cases are essential tools in systems analysis as they define the interactions between users (actors) and the system. They provide a clear understanding of functional requirements, help identify system features, and guide the design and implementation phases.

Use Case Template

Title: [Descriptive name of the use case]

Actor(s): [User roles interacting with the system]

Preconditions: [Conditions that must be met before the use case can begin]

Postconditions: [Conditions that must be met after the use case is completed]

Main Flow: [Step-by-step description of the interaction]

Alternate Flows: [Variations or exceptions in the main flow]

Example Use Cases

Use Case 1: User Registration

Title: User Registration

Actor(s): New User

Preconditions: User is on the registration page.

Postconditions: User account is created and a confirmation email is sent.

Main Flow:

  1. User fills out the registration form (name, email, password).
  2. User submits the form.
  3. System validates the input data.
  4. System creates a new user account.
  5. System sends a confirmation email to the user.

Alternate Flows:

  • Invalid Email: If the email is already in use, the system prompts the user to enter a different email.
  • Weak Password: If the password does not meet security criteria, the system prompts the user to choose a stronger password.

Use Case 2: User Login

Title: User Login

Actor(s): Registered User

Preconditions: User has an existing account.

Postconditions: User is logged into the system and directed to the dashboard.

Main Flow:

  1. User navigates to the login page.
  2. User enters email and password.
  3. User submits the login form.
  4. System validates the credentials.
  5. System grants access and redirects the user to the dashboard.

Alternate Flows:

  • Invalid Credentials: If the email or password is incorrect, the system displays an error message.
  • Forgot Password: If the user clicks "Forgot Password," the system prompts them to enter their email to receive a reset link.

Use Case 3: Data Retrieval

Title: Retrieve User Data

Actor(s): Authenticated User

Preconditions: User is logged into the system.

Postconditions: User data is displayed on the screen.

Main Flow:

  1. User navigates to the profile page.
  2. User requests to view their data.
  3. System retrieves data from the database.
  4. System displays the user data on the profile page.

Alternate Flows:

  • Data Not Found: If no data is found, the system displays a message indicating that no data exists.


These use cases help clarify user interactions with the system, ensuring all functional requirements are documented. By identifying the main and alternate flows, we can better anticipate user needs and system behaviors, leading to a more robust design and development process.

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