PostgreSQL, it is truly amazing an open source DB can be so good.
I have some mixed feelings about this part of FSO. The best part is that it allowed me to stop being afraid of SQL.
I started this tutorial with absolutely no SQL experience. Because of that, the first step for me was to lean some SQL using SQL Bolt. It did it's job. That is to teach me some basic queries in browser.
Part 13 is quite long. I started with deploying a PostgreSQL instance on .
Then, a low point of the tutorial IMO is the fact that the author went with Sequelize, a popular ORM. I simply do not see the value of an ORM to learn SQL. You have to use it for all exercises.
The bones of the tutorial are good, you learn about one-to-many and many-to-many relationships in detail. You learn about migrations using umzug. That is a part I loved because it solves so many problems with your schema. Each change of your schema is a .js file in your filesystem.
A nice touch was the last exercise where you need to use a server side session instead of a JWT for auth. You have more freedom here. I ended up using plain old cookies. You don't learn this in the original part of FSO.
Pros and cons
- It cured me of the fear of databases
- I learned about database migrations
- I learned basic SQL
- I learned the tools of the trade
- You use raw SQL rarely
- Sequelize (I had to fight it)
- No stored procedures/functions
Part 13 score: 7/10
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