Problem Faced:
Smart contracts cannot directly fetch real-world (off-chain) data, such as asset prices, weather conditions, or sports scores.
Use oracles like Chainlink to bring external data onto the blockchain.
- Smart contracts request data from an oracle.
- The oracle fetches data from trusted APIs and pushes it back on-chain.
Using Chainlink Price Feed:
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/interfaces/AggregatorV3Interface.sol";
contract PriceConsumer {
AggregatorV3Interface internal priceFeed;
constructor() {
priceFeed = AggregatorV3Interface(0x9326BFA02ADD2366b30bacB125260Af641031331); // ETH/USD on Rinkeby
function getLatestPrice() public view returns (int) {
(,int price,,,) = priceFeed.latestRoundData();
return price;
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