
Cover image for Eleventy/Figma Plugin Template
Nathan Blaylock
Nathan Blaylock

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Eleventy/Figma Plugin Template

I recently developed a pretty neat plugin for Figma called Placeholdate which solved a problem I was having with other plugins. I use plugins like "Faker" and "Figma Data Faker" but their date outputs were not formatted the way I wanted. So, I made my own plugin to generate random dates and allow me to output whatever date format I wanted. It was very helpful for me, as well as 2k+ users.

As I was developing that plugin I found that managing all of my code in one .html file was getting rather difficult. So I decided to make my own quick Node script that would allow me to compile all of my separate .js, .scss, and.html files into a single file. It was a pretty hacky script to be honest, but it worked.

I recently decided to try out a new plugin and I started using that same script from my Placeholdate plugin, but I wasn't super happy with it. I looked at other options such as Webpack (Figma's suggestion) and Figsvelte, but I wanted something familiar with a simple setup. I decided to try out Eleventy.

I have used Eleventy before on multiple projects, but I never tried to do things like inlining CSS from a Sass file, or just inlining text from any file type. After some research I wrote a slick filter that could pull code from a file and inject it in the HTML. The output of this Eleventy project is a single, minified HTML file with all scripts and style written inline.

Getting Started

To get started, use the template from GitHub. In a terminal, navigate to this folder and run npm install. This will install all of the Eleventy and Figma dependencies.

Once that is done, you will need to get your own Figma plugin ID. In the manifest.json file you will see an ID field with "###################". You will want to replace that number.

  1. In Figma Desktop go to Plugins > Development > New Plugin.
  2. Add in a plugin name (whatever you want, it doesn't matter), then choose "Figma Design", then next.
  3. Choose "Custom UI". You will then be prompted to save the plugin somewhere.
  4. Open that folder that you saved and open the manifest.json file and copy that ID.
  5. Paste that ID into this template.
  6. OPTIONAL: If you are new to developing plugins for Figma, you might want to read through that file which has additional information not found here.
  7. You can delete that new plugin folder you just created. You don't need it anymore.

This project is set up to use src as the input directory and dist as the output directory. The src directory will include code.ts which is code for the Figma side of the plugin, and other files are handled by Eleventy. This setup uses Nunjucks, but you can use whatever other templating language Eleventy offers if you want. If you open index.njk there will be some comments guiding you on how to use the template.

To begin development, run npm run dev. This will create dist/index.html from the Eleventy project and dist/code.ts from the code.ts file. From here, you can go to Figma > Plugins > Development > Import Plugin from Manifest. Select this project manifest and you can start using the plugin!

Inlining JS, CSS, and Sass

The main limitation to developing plugins for Figma is that everything needs to be in one single .html file. This means that all JavaScript and CSS needs to be used in a <script>...</script> or <style>...</style> tag. You can manually write these, but this template provides a filter to extract that from a separate file and inline it in the output file. You can also use Sass which will automatically compile to CSS. Simply add a filter to your .njk file where ever you want it inserted (see the example below). You can also pull code from node_modules.

<!-- Please note that these file paths are relative to the `.eleventy.js` config file. -->
{{ './src/style.scss' | inlineFromFile | safe }}
{{ './src/style.css' | inlineFromFile | safe }}
{{ './src/script.js' | inlineFromFile | safe }}
{{ './node_modules/alpinejs/dist/cdn.js' | inlineFromFile | safe }}
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Adding External Code (CDN)

If you don't want to inline your code, but would rather use a CDN, you will need to modify the manifest.json file to allow the domains. Check out the documentation for more details.

  "networkAccess": {
    "allowedDomains": [
      "" // was "none"
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Documentation Links

For more information regarding development, check out the links below.

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