DEV Community

Hung Nguyen
Hung Nguyen

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Updating on current works

Mobile home page

The PR needs some changes and updates. Firstly, I need to change the file structure of student-quotes. On this conversation, we found a good approach by moving the student quotes service to a folder that can be shared by both web application and mobile application. I filed an issue about that so that everyone will know, and if they are interested, they can pick it up. Another problem of the current home page is it is lack of image service. This service will randomly display a picture to Telescope Banner component. The issue can be found and picked up here.
In order for the PR to get merged. I need to fix the View of all the screens.
Image description
As you can see in the picture above, the screen is not positioned properly. The reason behind is that I did not use SafeAreaView. So what is SafeAreaView? It is used to avoid your screen to overflow the whole mobile screen. For example, on top of the screen of your phone, there will be a lot of features like time, battery checking, etc. If develop a mobile app without using safe area view, all the components of your mobile app's screen will override the above features. However, it is weird that SafeAreaView of React Native will not always work. And I got that problem, I used margin top to solve that issue but with different screens, we need different margins. A better approach is using SafeAreaView of react-native-safe-area-context. I fixed my PR using it and also rebased the PR. I am waiting for everyone to review and it is going to be merged soon.

Dashboard contributor card

I have been stuck on this one the most. My main problem was finding the wait to test locally. I have worked with the Dashboard page before but it was related to front-end. This issue was from the server side, with Handlebars. During the time I was looking for the solution, staging did not have this issue anymore. Due to this comment, this is because Github Token was not added. This issue may be closed and reopened if it keeps happening after we add both tokens to staging and production

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