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JS Boilerplates Comparison

Here, I will discuss a set of four boilerplates, created for one each of the following JavaScript libraries: React, Angular, Vue.js, and StencilJS. A boilerplate, for those who don't know, is a basic template that can be used to build a project from.

My process for finding my Angular boilerplate was using the web to look for one that is hosted on GitHub. Unlike looking for Vue.js or especially React boilerplates, there is no de facto standard boilerplate available, but rather several smaller user-generated boilerplates which do not guarantee that they work well. The installation was straightforward, which involved installing dependencies using npm, which I didn't expect to take as long as it actually did considering how stripped-down the end boilerplate is.

The React boiler chosen was created by Max Stoiber, and is by far the most popular React boiler on GitHub. It's individual components are divvied into their own files and folders all contained within the app/components folder. The components are easy to follow.

The StencilJS boiler is a Storybook boiler that had an absurd number of vulnerabilities that had to be audited when installing npm. It is very barebones with few in the way of interactive components.

The Vue.js boiler is the Vue CLI as provided by required running npm run build followed by serve -s dist to start up as opposed to npm start with Angular, React, and Stencil. It is very simple with a handful of links and text, and the components are quite simple.

For me, the React boilerplate had the most to work with, the most straight-forward code, and had by far the most hassle-free setup.

The link to our cloned boilerplates is here:

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