Decorator is a structural design pattern that allows us to attach new behaviors to objects by placing them inside special wrapper objects containing them.
In the example below, we use a decorator to extend behavior in Facebook Notifications.
class Notification {
constructor(kind) {
this.kind = kind || "Generic";
getInfo() {
return `I'm a ${this.kind} Notification`;
class FacebookNotification extends Notification {
constructor() {
setNotification(msg) {
this.message = msg;
getInfo() {
return `${super.getInfo()} with the message: ${this.message}`;
class SMSNotification extends Notification {
constructor() {
getInfo() {
return super.getInfo();
export { FacebookNotification, SMSNotification };
👉 Use this pattern when adding extensions to an object in runtime without affecting other objects.
I hope you found it helpful. Thanks for reading. 🙏
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Top comments (6)
What's the difference to inheritance?
You can use the same decorator to provide the same functionality to multiple classes if they implement a common interface without having to extend all of those classes for what might be a niche use case.
If you need the same functionality in multiple classes it´s a sign your hierarchy needs some update. You should implement common functions in a parent class, not again and again in the childs using decorators.
That´s OOP bottom-up!
Thanks for sharing 👏
Very instructive :-)
Hi Nhan Nguyen,
Your tips are very useful
Thanks for sharing