DEV Community

Nicky Marino
Nicky Marino

Posted on • Originally published at on

How to Remove All Local Git Branches That Aren't 'master'

This post was originally published on my website. Check it out for more awesome content!

Every so often, I’ll want to delete all of my local branches for a repository that aren’t the master branch. An easy command to do this is:

$ git branch | grep -v "master" | xargs git branch -d

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(If you want to keep multiple branches, such as master and develop, you can chain them together using grep -v "master\|develop")

git branch lists all of the local branches for the repo, grep -v prints all of the lines from the previous command that don’t match “master”, and xargs takes each line from the previous output and runs git branch -d <output_line>.

I recommend using -d rather than -D in case git recommends not deleting the branch.

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