I'm a fan of Open Source and have a growing interest in serverless and edge computing. I'm not a big fan of spiders, but they're doing good work eating bugs. I also stream on Twitch.
I would say only work on stuff that you find interesting and challenging. Otherwise don't bother. You won't enjoy it.
When I first started learning react, I started contributing as a way of learning. I found a react boilerplate project, react-slingshot, and just started offering suggestions that became PRs, and also did bug fixes. Eventually I was asked to become a maintainer to which I said yes.
Takeaway from this is open source is a great way to learn from others and if you contribute enough to a project, you may be asked to become a maintainer (if that's your jam).
In terms of problems/solutions, the more recent one I had while converting the Refined GitHub extension to TypeScript (TS), I had converted everything to TS, but webpack builds were failing. So initially, I tried some configuration changes in regards to webpack and the TS config, but no dice. I compiled each entry point from webpack directly with the TS compiler and they built fine, so clearly something was not right with webpack/TS situation.
Nick Taylor
Trying to wrap up a PR. Current status... debugging webpack/ts-loader issues #typescript
01:51 AM - 17 Apr 2019
At this point I started to debug webpack, specifically the ts-loader plugin. If you've never debugged webpack code, you can run the following command to get started with the debugger. node --inspect-brk ./node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js. I found the error that was being thrown from webpack in the code and put a breakpoint there. First I saw that the files weren't being generated. When I reran the debugger, this time I saw that a particular boolean was not set properly which was related to webpack/TS configuration. Once I fixed the configuration, I was good to go. Takeaways, use your tools. Also, I was probably tired at this point and probably missed the obvious misconfiguration. 🙃
I'm a fan of Open Source and have a growing interest in serverless and edge computing. I'm not a big fan of spiders, but they're doing good work eating bugs. I also stream on Twitch.
I would say only work on stuff that you find interesting and challenging. Otherwise don't bother. You won't enjoy it.
When I first started learning react, I started contributing as a way of learning. I found a react boilerplate project, react-slingshot, and just started offering suggestions that became PRs, and also did bug fixes. Eventually I was asked to become a maintainer to which I said yes.
React + Redux starter kit / boilerplate with Babel, hot reloading, testing, linting and a working example app built in
A comprehensive starter kit for rapid application development using React.
Why Slingshot?
npm start
to start development in your default browser.npm run build
to do all this:Get Started
Initial Machine Setup
First time running the starter kit? Then complete the Initial Machine Setup.
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/coryhouse/react-slingshot.git
.Run the setup script
npm run setup
Run the example app
npm start -s
This will run the automated build process, start…
Takeaway from this is open source is a great way to learn from others and if you contribute enough to a project, you may be asked to become a maintainer (if that's your jam).
At this point I started to debug webpack, specifically the ts-loader plugin. If you've never debugged webpack code, you can run the following command to get started with the debugger.
node --inspect-brk ./node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js
. I found the error that was being thrown from webpack in the code and put a breakpoint there. First I saw that the files weren't being generated. When I reran the debugger, this time I saw that a particular boolean was not set properly which was related to webpack/TS configuration. Once I fixed the configuration, I was good to go. Takeaways, use your tools. Also, I was probably tired at this point and probably missed the obvious misconfiguration. 🙃Awesome!
Sure, no problem.
👍🏻 thanks a lot!