
Cover image for Markdown

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What is Markdown?

  • Markdown is a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor. and is kinda similar to HTML.

Why Should I learn this?

  • After having a good understanding of Md you can build a good read file for github,DEV community ..


Below are 6 heading variations

Heading 1 [#]

Heading 2 [##]

Heading 3 [###]

Heading 4 [####]

Heading 5 [#####]
Heading 6 [######]

Horizontal Rule

This is a horizontal rule

use "[---]"

It separates content

Text formatting

Paragraph line spacing is important.

use either * or _ at the begining or at the end.

italic text and more italic text

_italic text_ and _more italic text_     

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bold text and more bold text

**bold text** and **more bold text**

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*bold and italic text

**\*bold and italic text**

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mix and match

**mix _and_ match**

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strikethrough text

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Ordered List

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3
  4. Item 3
  5. Item 3
  6. Item 3

Markdown automatically take care of the order of list

Unordered List

  • Item
  • Item
  • Item

Code formatting

Inline: Use JavaScript map()

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we can highlight a specific part of code by using backticks

Fenced code block

const sum = (a, b) => a + b;
sum(2, 2);
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we can mention the programming language in code block by simply mentioning the programming language after backtick..
JavaScript (js)
Python (py)
typescript (ts)


This is a blockquote

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Nested blockquote

this is nested blockquote.

Some text

> this is nested blockquote.
> > Some text
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Task List

  • [x] Task 1
  • [x] Task 2
  • [] Task 3
  • [] Task 4


💡 Tip Here's an important tip to remember!

> :bulb: **Tip** Here's an important tip to remember!
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Nikhil Gautam

for more Markdown

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