DEV Community

Niko Karanatsios
Niko Karanatsios

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Introduction to Esbuild

Introduction to Esbuild

Esbuild is a fast, modern JavaScript bundler and minifier. Developed by Evan Wallace, it’s a lightweight and efficient tool for compiling and optimizing JavaScript code for the web. Esbuild has gained popularity in recent years due to its fast build times and small output sizes.

Key Features of Esbuild

Here are some of the key features of Esbuild:


Esbuild is designed to be incredibly fast, with build times that are typically much faster than other JavaScript bundlers. According to the official website, Esbuild is often 10–100 times faster than competing tools like Webpack and Rollup. This is due to the fact that Esbuild is written in Go, a language known for its performance and efficiency.

Small Output Sizes

Another benefit of Esbuild is its ability to generate small output sizes. This is accomplished through a combination of aggressive minification and tree shaking, which eliminates unused code and reduces the size of the final bundle.

Simple Configuration

Esbuild’s configuration is designed to be simple and intuitive, with a small set of options that cover most common use cases. This makes it easy for developers to get started with Esbuild and avoid the complexity and configuration overhead of other bundlers.

Support for CommonJS and ES Modules

Esbuild supports both CommonJS and ES modules, which makes it compatible with a wide range of JavaScript code. This allows developers to use Esbuild in a variety of environments, from Node.js to the browser.

How to Use Esbuild

Using Esbuild is simple and straightforward. First, you’ll need to install the package:

npm install esbuild --save-dev
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Once you’ve installed Esbuild, you can use it to build your JavaScript code:

esbuild input.js --bundle --minify --outfile=output.js
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This command will take the input.js file and generate a bundled and minified version in the output.js file.


Esbuild is a fast, modern JavaScript bundler that offers a number of benefits over other tools. Its speed, small output sizes, simple configuration, and support for CommonJS and ES modules make it a popular choice among developers. If you’re looking for a lightweight and efficient way to bundle and minify your JavaScript code, Esbuild is definitely worth considering.

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