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How to Secure JWT in a Single-Page Application

Nilanth on January 16, 2021

Securely make JWT based authentication in React Application. In this article, we will see how to securely store the JWT token in a single page app...
ecyrbe profile image
ecyrbe • Edited

Do not do this. This is wrong. Always put JWT in memory, never elsewhere. For the statement about user experience, continue reading.

You should not use jwt cookies with http.only, or whatever... this will force you to develop backend APIs that use cookies instead of bearer tokens...this make your APIs browser dependant. This is Bad, your APIs should be browser agnostic.

The solution can be to only use cookies for your autorisation endpoint (usually something like /login or /authorize ) to do single sign on if you want better user experience. This is a convenient way of doing sso, but there are other secured technologies not relying on cookies.
This authorisation endpoint should be the only endpoint using cookies. If it receives a valid cookie it returns a JWT to the caller else it will redirect the user to the authentication page. As simple as that.

All the other APIs should use the jwt stored in memory and passed as a bearer token. Nothing else.

sparkydman profile image
Ugwuede Chigozie

Am interested in this your approach but I still don't get your explanation correctly. Please if you can create a snippet maybe in GitHub that will be appreciated. Thank you so much👏

slmn profile image
Salman Shaikh

What if we specify both in middleware first check if authorization header exists or not and if not then check for cookies. so this way you can support both ways :)

felixasante profile image
felix asante

I am also interested in your approach. if you can make your explanations clear, it will really help

nhat_nam20 profile image

I am interested in knowing the secured technologies are you mentioning!

oguimbal profile image
Olivier Guimbal • Edited
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kamranayub profile image
Kamran Ayub • Edited

I'd recommend this series by Ben Botto on how to approach this securely.

There's a few ways to handle this. In both companies I worked at, we implemented multiple tiers of token levels. Meaning that what gets stored in local storage is a low-access token. If an attacker got ahold of this, they could only access low-privilige APIs, like read only methods that didn't deal with PCI data.

For higher level access, you require the user to go through an auth flow and a temporary high-access token is issued that uses a session cookie AND the PCI based pages are server-side only.

This has the benefit of still allowing a mostly SPA architecture and you can store tokens in local storage but with added security for pages that deal with personally-identifiable information (PII) or PCI data.

For a pure SPA, the session reverse proxy approach like Ben lays out is probably needed throughout. But for the apps I work on, we do a hybrid client-server. It's still React but all PCI-compliant pages are actually bundled separately and only rendered in SSR.

Other security practices like Content Security Policy, Subresource Integrity, CORS, Same Site cookies, and CSRF prevention help mitigate browser-based attacks too.

btvoidx profile image

Just store it in local/session storage. XSS is not an issue with modern frameworks. Moreover, if you have an xss on your website, it doesn't actually matter where you store your jwts, attacker can just send a request to your api, browser will be more than happy to add cookies to this request.

dhruvindev profile image


shivarajnaidu profile image

What if we are using separate domain for APIs ?

Can we store the cookies in our SPA when we are consuming APIs (domain y) from domain x ?

Now a days browsers blocking 3r party cookies .. if we do so it can break the site right ?

ecyrbe profile image

You Can setup cookies with cors by adding Access-Control-Allow-Credentials
and to explicitly setup Acess-Control-Allow-Origin to your main domain.

shivarajnaidu profile image

Also now days its becomes common to block third party cookies in browsers .. in that case if we use diffrent domain it may break the flow right ?

shivarajnaidu profile image

You mean sub domain and main domain ?

atimetoremember profile image
Son Le Si • Edited

Nice article, but I have a question, If I want to design an API that is used by both web and mobile, so how can I design it for mobile?, because mobile doesn't support for cookie like the web. Hope to get reply from you and other contributors.

ichavezf profile image
Eduardo Chavez

you want try secure storage, sqlite, sharedpreferences.. etc etc

nilanth profile image

Thanks for your question.
This approach is only for web, for mobile it is completely different, we need pass the JWT as Authorization bearer token. so we need to go with separate APIs. for example api/mobile/login instead of api/web/login

petrshchukin profile image
PetrShchukin • Edited

Nice article, but unfortunately your approach with JWT token in cookie won't work. You said "But remember that this approach only works if the React app and the BackEnd server hosted in same domain." It doesn't matter in this case, a requests will be sent from client browser. React server merely sends html and js code to a client machine.

srikanth597 profile image

Session store would work great, and use refresh tokens/ expire the token every couple of mins would do the trick I believe, and also as best practice rotate the SecureKEY in Jwt provider should be followed

bonarhyme profile image
Bonaventure Chukwudi

Well, I see your reasons above and I appreciate that.

If you can remove every login token from the localStorage when the user logs out or when the user closes the tab, it would be nice.

Well, I don't know much about security but according to some tutors, they recommended localStorage but they warned to clear localStorage on user logout.

ichavezf profile image
Eduardo Chavez

Intenta usar sessionstorage. Segun mal no receurdo se borrar al cerrar el a navegador

aymenmarouani profile image
Aymen Marouani

Thanks for the article, but I have a need where the JavaScript code have to read the token and send it in a HTTP authorization header (axios http equest), how can I achieve this feature ?

edgaremmanuel profile image

If you havce store the Jwt somewhere , you can have a config that says that if the user is logged In , put the Token in the Authorization header in the Axios for each request to the Backend else do not create an Authorization header in the axios request

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