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Satoshi Nishimura
Satoshi Nishimura

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Simple Auto Wiring Container

I did not need a DI container but needed auto wiring container.
Originally, I divided the container class I used with my own framework.

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Simple Auto Wiring Container


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Simple container of auto wiring with constructor.

use Nish\Container\Container
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'
$c = Container::getInstance()
$obj = $c->get(stdClass::class)
$c->call(Foo::class, 'staticMethod');

$foo = new Foo();
$c->call($foo, 'method');

$c->setFactory('MyClass', function($c){
    return new MyClass('custom param');
$c->setFactory(MyClass::class, function($c){
    $obj = new MyClass('custom param');
    $c->set(MyClass::class, $obj); // singleton
    return $obj;

// set arguments
namespace MyProject;
class Db {
    private $dsn;
    public function __construct(string $dsn){
        $this->dsn = $dsn;
    // ...
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This container class has only the basic methods that I actually use in the project.

The implementation of the interface is registered by the set method, and the dependency is written PHP code to the setFactory method.
However, most dependencies will be solved with the Auto Wiring.

class Foo
    private $obj;
    public function __construct(stdClass $obj)
        $this->obj = $obj;

$c = Container::getInstance();
$foo = $c->get(Foo::class); // constructor injection, no config

// set implements
interface Uri {}
class MyUri implements Uri {}

$c->set(Uri::class, new MyUri);
$uri = $c->get(Uri::class);

// or
$c->setFactory(Uri::class, function($c){
    return new MyUri();

// singleton
$c->setFactory(Uri::class, function($c){
    $myUri = new MyUri();
    $c->set(Uri::class, $myUri);
    return $myUri;
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When using Auto Wiring in a method call, you need to call the call method manually.

class MyIndexAction
    public static function index(Request $req, Response $res, MyForm $myForm)
        // ...

    public function __construct(MyForm $myForm) { $this->myForm = $myForm; }
    public function index2(Request $req, Response $res)
        // ...

$c->call(MyIndexAction::class, 'index');

// or
$action = $c->get(MyIndexAction::class);
$c->call($action, 'index2');
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Most of the functions of this container are explained in these samples.
Simple but when combined with FastRoute, session libraries, etc., a simple micro framework is completed without a moment.

NOTE: I do not know if this program can be used in actual projects. I am trying it.

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