Elasticity and Scalability
RDS and Multi-AZ Failover
RDS and Using Read Replicas
Go to Database - RDS - create database - mysql,Free tier,DB instance identifier,master username,master password,database name,backup - create database - Action(Read Replicas not enabled) - modify - multi-AZ deployment=yes - continue - Enable Apply immediately - modify DB instance - Action(Read Replicas not enabled) - Again go to modify - Backup(7 days) - continue - Enable Apply immediately - modify DB instance - Action(Now Read Replicas enables) - Read Replicas - select (Destination) - create read replicas
select database which is replicated - Action - promote - Enable automatic backups - Backup retention period = 7days - continue - promote read replica - Now replication between master and replicated database will broke
select Master database - Action - Reboot - Enable Reboot with Failover - Reboot
select Database - Action - Enable I Acknowledge... - delete me - Delete
Encrypting RDS snapshot
Go to Database - RDS - create database - mysql,Free-tier,DB instance identifier,master username,master password,database name,backup - create database
Since we take Free-tier encryption is not possible so have to select database - Actions - Take snapshot - Give name - Take snapshot - select snapshot - Actions - copy snapshot - Enable Encyrption - Copy snapshot - select snapshot - Actions - Restore snapshot - DB Instance class(db.t2.large - 2 vCPU,8GB RAM),DB Instance Identifier(add a name) - Restore DB Instance
Sharing Encrypted RDS Snaps between accounts
Go to Database - RDS - create database - Amazon Aurora(There is no free tier it is a production database),Enable Amazon Aurora with Mysql compatibility,Regoinal,One writer and multiple readers,Production, DB instance identifier,master username,master password,Burstable classes,db.t2.small,create an Aurora replica, database name,backup(7 days) Disable delete protection - create database
Add a reader when cpu utilization become 100%
select the database - Actions - Add reader - Failover(Priority tier-0) - Add Reader
To delete the database first delete writer,reader nodes.Then automatically Regional/main database will deleted
select the Writer node - Actions - Delete - delete me - Delete
select the Reader node - Actions - Delete - delete me - Delete
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