Go to Storage - S3 - Create bucket(add Bucket name,Region) - Next - we can enable Versioning(backup),server access logging but we need to pay for this services,add tag - Next - Next - create Bucket - upload - Add files - upload - click on added file to get details of the file - overview - click on link - file cannot open(it is not publically accessible) - overview - make public -
click on link now file can be open
S3 Lifecycle Policies
MFA Delete
S3 Encryption
Create a bucket - Permissions - Bucket Policy - Policy Generator - select Type of policy(S3 Bucket policy) - Effect(Deny),Principle(* )-This means anyone who tries to upload file to S3 bucket without using server-side Encryption will be denied,AWS Service(Amazon S3),Actions(Put object),ARN(Go back there you can see ARN) - Add Condition(Condition=StringNotEquals,key=S3:X-amz-server-side-encryption,value=aws:kms) - Add condition - Add statement - Generate Policy - Copy the Code and Paste it in Bucket policy console - save - This will show an error - add /* to "Resources":"arn:aws:S3:::..../*" - save - upload a file to S3 bucket - upload - Add files - Next - Next - Encryption(Enable AWS KMS master key then add aws/s3) - Next - upload
EC2 Volume Types
EC2 - Launch Instance - Add storage(Add new 3 EBS volume - Volume Type cold HDD 500GB,Throughput optimized HDD 500GB, magnetic 8GB),Disable Delete on Termination for except for root - Launch - volumes - Action - modify volume - modify according to your needs
select Root device volume(we need to stop EC2 instance before taking snapshot) - Action - Create a Snapshot - Add discription -Create snapshot - snapshot - select snapshot - Action - Create volume - By changing the volume type,size,availability zone you can create volume
select snapshot - Action - copy - Change Region - copy - Go to that region - snapshot - select snapshot - Action - create image - create - Go to Images - AMIs - Launch - Launch instance
Now go to Fist Region from we started all these - Instance - Action - Instance state - Terminate - yes,Terminate - volumes - root volume will disappear rest will be there - select rest volume - Action - Delete volumes - yes,Delete
Encryption & Downtime
KMS and CloudHSM
AMIs and sharing AMIs
Snowball and Snowball Edge
Storage Gateway
CloudTrail - create trail - Add Trailname,Enable select all S3 bucket in your account,create new S3 bucket,add bucket name - create - click on the bucket you can see log files - overview - copy the link - Go to Analytics - Athena - Get started(Region need to be same as that of created S3 bucket) - click on '+' - create database 'CREATE DATABASE databasename' - RunQuery - select database now created(leftside) - click on '+' - Add the below contents
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE cloudtrail_logs (
eventversion STRING,
useridentity STRUCT<
eventtime STRING,
eventsource STRING,
eventname STRING,
awsregion STRING,
sourceipaddress STRING,
useragent STRING,
errorcode STRING,
errormessage STRING,
requestparameters STRING,
responseelements STRING,
additionaleventdata STRING,
requestid STRING,
eventid STRING,
resources ARRAY<STRUCT<
eventtype STRING,
apiversion STRING,
readonly STRING,
recipientaccountid STRING,
serviceeventdetails STRING,
sharedeventid STRING,
vpcendpointid STRING
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'com.amazon.emr.hive.serde.CloudTrailSerde'
STORED AS INPUTFORMAT 'com.amazon.emr.cloudtrail.CloudTrailInputFormat'
OUTPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat'
LOCATION 's3://mycloudtrailbucket-faye/AWSLogs/757250003982/';
The last line you need to change according to copied link in S3
bucket overview
LOCATION 's3://mycloudtrailbucket-faye/AWSLogs/757250003982/';
Run Query - Now tables will be created - click on '+' - Add the below contents
FROM cloudtrail_logs
LIMIT 100;
RUN Query - you will get the required data
Go to cloudTrail - view trails - click on your trail - delete trail and S3 buckets
Introduction EFS
Storage - EFS - create file system - select 3 availabilty zone - Next step - add key,value,Lifecycle Policy = 7 days since last access,Enable bursting,General purpose,Enable encryption of data at reset,select KMS master key - Next - create file system
Go to EC2 - Launch Instance - configure Instance(check vpc is same as that we used in NFS ) - Launch
Go to EFS - select the created file system - open the link Amazon EC2 mount instruction (from local VPC)
Login to created EC2 and run the commands shown below
sudo yum install -y amazon-efs-utils
sudo mkdir efs
sudo mount -t efs fs-1b66ebea:/ efs
It will show connection time out
Go to EC2 instance - select Instance - click on security groups(downside of the window) - copy Group ID - find default security group that is same as your EFS - click on Inbound - Edit - Add Rule - select NFS - source(paste the Group ID that copied early) - save
Try the command once again
sudo mount -t efs fs-1b66ebea:/ efs
Now you can see EFS mounted
cd efs
sudo touch test.txt
After that delete instance by Actions - Terminate - yes,Terminate
Go to EFS - select file system - Action - Delete file system -
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