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Nitin Dahiya
Nitin Dahiya

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System Design Covering Fundamental Concepts

System design is the process of defining the architecture, modules, interfaces, data, and components of a system to satisfy specific requirements. It’s all about designing software or application frameworks that can handle growth, manage user requests efficiently, and maintain data security.

In simple terms, imagine designing a building. System design is like creating the blueprint that specifies how the building will be constructed, how the rooms will connect, and where the electricity, water, and other services will flow. Similarly, in software, system design provides the "blueprint" for how the system should be organized.

Goals of System Design

When designing a system, several elements must work together:

  • Scalability : The ability of the system to handle increasing numbers of users or data without a performance drop.

  • Reliability : Ensuring the system works as expected under different conditions, including failures.

  • Maintainability : Making sure the system is easy to update, fix, or modify.

  • Efficiency : Optimizing the performance and speed of the system to handle tasks like processing data, responding to user actions, etc.

Key Components of System Design

When designing a system, several elements must work together:

a) Client-Server Architecture

The basic idea of client-server architecture is that clients (user devices) request services or resources, and the server provides them. In a website, for example, the server holds all the data and the logic, while the client (your web browser) sends a request for data and gets the response from the server.

  • Client : The user’s device, which could be a web browser, mobile app, etc.

  • Server : The machine that handles requests, processes data, and sends responses.

b) Database

This is where all the system’s data is stored. There are different kinds of databases:

  • Relational Databases (like MySQL or PostgreSQL): These store data in tables with rows and columns and are good for structured data.

  • NoSQL Databases (like MongoDB or Cassandra): These are more flexible, storing data in formats like documents or key-value pairs. They’re often used when scalability is a priority.

c) APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)

APIs allow different components of the system to communicate with each other. They define how one service will interact with another. For example, if you have a payment system, your system’s frontend will use APIs to talk to a backend payment service like PayPal.

d) Load Balancer

When your system becomes large and has many users, you need more than one server to handle all requests. A load balancer distributes traffic across multiple servers to ensure none of them are overwhelmed.

e) Caching

Caching involves temporarily storing frequently accessed data in a fast storage layer. Instead of querying the database repeatedly for the same information (which can be slow), cached data can provide quick responses. Common caching systems include Redis and Memcached.

f) Message Queues

When systems need to handle a lot of requests that can't be processed immediately, a message queue helps. It stores tasks in a queue to be processed later. This helps with systems that have peaks of high traffic. For example, in a social media app, sending notifications or emails might be done via message queues.

Types of System Design

There are generally two types of system design:

>> High-Level System Design (HLD)

This focuses on the overall structure and the relationships between major components of the system. It’s like looking at a city map without diving into the details of each building.

  • Architecture : The main components like servers, databases, and clients.

  • Data Flow : How data moves from one part of the system to another.

>> Low-Level System Design (LLD)

This goes into the details of each component. It’s more like looking at the blueprint for each individual building.

  • Class Diagrams : Describes the structure of the code and how different classes interact.

  • Algorithms : The logic used to process data and perform tasks.

How to Approach a System Design Problem

When you're tasked with designing a system, especially in an interview, here’s a step-by-step approach:

a) Clarify Requirements

Before starting, ensure you understand the requirements of the system:

  • What problem does the system need to solve?
  • How many users will it serve?
  • What features are necessary (like login, search, or recommendations)?
  • Are there any constraints (such as response time, cost)?

b) Define Core Components

Break down the system into core components:

  • Frontend : The part of the system that the user interacts with.
  • Backend : The part that processes requests and manages data
  • Database : Where the data will be stored.
  • APIs : Define the points of communication between the frontend and backend

c) Think About Scalability

Plan how the system will handle growth. This could involve using:

  • Horizontal Scaling: Adding more servers to share the load.
  • Vertical Scaling : Adding more resources (CPU, memory) to existing servers.

d) Discuss Performance Optimization

Talk about how you’ll make the system efficient:

  • Caching frequently used data.

  • Using CDNs (Content Delivery Networks) to store static files (like images, CSS) closer to users for faster load times.

  • Database Indexing : To speed up data retrieval.

e) Plan for Failures

Systems can fail due to hardware problems, software bugs, or network issues. Implement ways to handle failure:

  • Redundancy : Having backup servers or databases.
  • Retry Logic : Automatically retrying failed operations.
  • Monitoring and Alerts : Keeping track of system health and being alerted if something goes wrong.

f) Security

Discuss how you will secure the system:

  • Authentication : Verifying users (using systems like OAuth).
  • Authorization : Ensuring users can only access what they’re allowed to.
  • Encryption : Securing data in transit and at rest.

Examples of System Design

>> Design a Social Media Platform (Like Twitter)

  • Frontend : A web or mobile app where users can post, like, and follow.
  • Backend : Manages user profiles, posts, and timelines.
  • Database: Stores user data, posts, and relationships (followers/following).
  • APIs : Used by the frontend to fetch user data, timelines, and post new updates.
  • Load Balancing and Caching : To handle millions of users, you'll use caching for timelines and load balancers to distribute requests.

System design is about solving real-world problems by structuring software in a way that is efficient, scalable, and reliable. It’s essential to think about the interactions between different components, the flow of data, and how you’ll handle failures, growth, and security concerns. As you gain more experience, you’ll learn to tackle more complex systems, but the fundamental principles of design remain the same.

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